Fund for the Support of Italian Gastronomic and Agri-Food Excellence 2024: “Young Graduates” Call

How to Access Non-Repayable Contributions in the Food & Beverage Sector

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The importance of investing in young people in the Food & Beverage Sector

The catering and food & beverage sector in Italy is experiencing a period of strong growth and dynamism. According to the FIPE-Confcommercio Catering Report 2024 , the added value of catering reached 54 billion euros , exceeding pre-pandemic levels with an increase of +3.9% . This growth is also supported by a renewed confidence of entrepreneurs in the sector: approximately one in two entrepreneurs has invested in the renewal of equipment and the implementation of digital tools in 2023. Furthermore, Italian families' spending on out-of-home consumption has reached 92 billion euros , a clear signal of the return to normality and the vitality of the sector.

Globally, the foodservice sector recorded an increase of +22% in 2023, bringing the value of the Italian market to 75 billion euros according to Deloitte's Foodservice Market Monitor 2023 . Italy confirms itself as the sixth largest market in the world, thanks to its quality offering and the ability to quickly adapt to the needs of consumers, who are increasingly attentive to sustainability and innovation.

With this strong recovery, investment in young professionals is a key factor in supporting the growth of the sector. The training of new generations is crucial to develop skills aligned with market needs and offer companies qualified and prepared resources. In this direction, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry (MASAF) has reopened the "Young Diplomates" call .

“Young Graduates” Call 2024: Opportunities for Food & Beverage Companies

The "Young Graduates" call aims to support companies in the catering, pastry and ice cream sector that want to invest in young talents, encouraging the hiring of qualified professional figures through apprenticeship contracts. With a remaining budget of over 9 million euros , the call offers companies a precious opportunity to grow their business and, at the same time, contribute to youth employment.

Who can participate?

Companies belonging to the following sectors can access the tender:

  • Catering with administration (ATECO Code 56.10.11)
  • Ice cream shops and pastry shops (ATECO Code 56.10.30)
  • Production of fresh pastries (ATECO Code 10.71.20)

Businesses must also comply with at least one of the following requirements:

  1. Be established for at least 10 years as of December 20, 2022.
  2. Having purchased DOP, IGP, BIO, SQNPI, SQNZ, DOC, IGT or STG in a minimum percentage of 25% (for the catering sector) or 5% (for ice cream parlors and pastry shops) on the total food purchases between December 20, 2021 and December 20, 2022.

What does the call finance?

The announcement provides for a non-repayable contribution that covers up to 70% of eligible expenses , with a maximum of 30,000 euros per company . This incentive is dedicated to the hiring of young graduates from the State Professional Institutes for Food, Wine and Hotel Hospitality (IPSEOA) , who have obtained their diploma no more than 5 years ago and are less than 30 years old.

Details on Submitting Applications

Timing and Method of Presentation

Applications can be submitted from 1 to 31 October 2024 . Requests will be evaluated based on the chronological order of presentation, therefore it is strongly recommended to send the documentation as soon as possible. Below is the necessary documentation:

  • Training plan for apprentices
  • Copy of the hiring communication
  • Copy of the qualification of the young person hired

In the event that it is not possible to provide all the documents immediately, it will be possible to complete the sending within 60 days of the publication of the concession decree .

Disbursement of the Contribution

The contribution is paid based on the duration of the apprenticeship contract:

  • 12 month contracts : the contribution will be paid in a lump sum at the end of the contract. It is possible to request an advance of up to 50% of the total contribution , upon presentation of a bank guarantee.
  • Contracts longer than 12 months : it is possible to request 1/3 of the contribution at the end of the first year, with the remaining balance at the end of the contract.

Why Participate in the Call?

Participating in the "Young Graduates" call means investing in the growth of your company through the inclusion of young talents, who can be trained on the specific needs of the sector. In addition to creating new job opportunities, the tender allows you to contribute to the innovation and sustainability of the food & beverage sector, strengthening the company's competitiveness in the constantly evolving market.

MAD Management Advisor: Your Partner for the Young Graduates Call

If you need assistance in submitting your application and getting the most out of this opportunity, MAD Management Advisor srl is ready to help you.

We offer comprehensive advice and support to guide you through completing the application and the entire grant application process.

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