MAD - Management Advisor srl

Technology Transfer as a driving force for the Digital Innovation of companies

Technology transfer

In an era characterized by profound and rapid changes, it is not enough to simply be aware of the opportunities offered by new technological paradigms. It is essential to possess the skills that are indispensable to ensure a return on investments in new technologies.

Here, technology transfer emerges as a crucial tool, allowing companies to access a wealth of knowledge and technologies that they could not develop independently.
When the Industry 4.0 plan was introduced in 2016, the need to both incentivize the acquisition of enabling technologies and support the development of the necessary skills and infrastructure was clear. A national network was established which included Punti Impresa Digitale (PID), Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) and Competence Center.

These bodies had specific and diversified objectives, from business orientation to advanced research and experimental development.
However, the I4.0 Network has encountered some obstacles in reaching SMEs, particularly the more specialized structures.
The resulting fragmentation has made it difficult for companies to understand the various services they offer. This is evident in the i4.0 Atlas, which recorded around 600 facilities in 2020, a number which later grew to over 700. The introduction of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) brought new changes and resources, dedicating around 13 billion euros for technology transfer.
These resources have the task of promoting research, innovation, technological diffusion and strengthening skills. Of particular importance is the investment intended to strengthen the Italian technology transfer system. A specific area of ​​attention concerns Competence Centers, with resources dedicated both to the refinancing of existing structures and to the creation of new centers.

There are mainly two sectors of intervention for the period 2023-2025, the co-financing of research and development projects and the provision of services at subsidized conditions.
Meanwhile, the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) , born from an initiative of the European Commission.
The EDIHs propose themselves as a point of reference for companies intending to undertake digitalisation paths in specific sectors such as super computing, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. At MAD we are focused on digital transformation, we make our skills available, collaborating with many of these new realities, to further support companies in the technology transfer system.
