MAD - Management Advisor srl

Terms and conditions


For the purposes of this contract, it means:

Service provider: unless otherwise provided, Management Advisor srl, via Alessandro Manzoni snc – 95037 San Giovanni La Punta (CT) at the “Le Zagare” Commercial Park Office Area – also called MAD .
Platform or website : the website and its subdomains.
Courses : courses organized and promoted by the Supplier.
Classroom courses : courses which take place in the classroom.
In-house courses : classroom courses which take place at the requesting company.
Online courses : courses delivered online.
Courses indicated as "online specializations" also fall into this category. Live web courses : online courses carried out through the Supplier's platform with online interaction with teachers and other students.
On demand courses : online courses carried out through the Supplier's platform without active interactions.
Courses indicated as "update courses" also fall into this category. Gift Card : credit purchased as a gift voucher that can be used within 12 months to enroll in one of the courses in the catalogue.
Consumer: anyone who acts for purposes unrelated to their professional or entrepreneurial activity.
Professional : someone who acts for professional or business purposes.
Registered : the Consumer or Professional who has registered but not yet paid the fee for the course.
Participant : generically the Consumer or Professional who has purchased a course.
User : any person who has access to the website.
Material: teaching material relating to the course, such as slides and tests.
Download: the transfer, normally of files, from a remote computer to a local one.
On the Internet, depending on the connection, communication programs, FTP or commands provided by online services client programs are used. Form : electronic forms. Pages in which you are asked for personal information to allow you to access the services provided by the site.


This contract establishes the conditions of use of the platform and its subdomains, the methods of purchase and participation in the classroom and online courses promoted therein and defines the services reserved for members of the platform.

The Supplier reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time, notifying Users on its homepage. In this case the changes will be effective for the purposes of the law, without the need for specific and further approval and in any case after 10 days from their publication.

Any tolerance by the Supplier to behavior that is in violation of the provisions of these conditions does not constitute a waiver of the rights to which that party is entitled under the aforementioned conditions. If one of the conditions is found to be null or ineffective, any nullity or ineffectiveness will not extend to the remaining contractual clauses.


All Users must use the site scrupulously complying with these Terms and Conditions.

The User undertakes not to use the Platform and the related services for illegal purposes or for purposes contrary to these terms and conditions of use, or in ways that could damage its functionality, making it unusable, causing overloading, deterioration and/or interference with the use of the same by other Users.

Any behavior which, even through mere attempts, may result in unauthorized access to the Portal, services, other accounts, systems or networks connected to it through hacking operations, password forgery or other means is prohibited.

Your account access is unique and your account is nominal. You cannot access your account from multiple devices at the same time.


Without prejudice to what is provided for in-house courses, for which a specific request for information must be sent directly to the Supplier, the User who wishes to participate in one of the online or classroom courses organized by the Supplier and promoted via the site will be able to select the course of interest directly from the platform and follow the registration and purchase procedure described below.
Please note that it is also possible to register and subsequently proceed directly from the reserved area to purchase the courses offered.
Even in this case the user will be required to accept these terms and conditions. The User can decide to purchase the Gift Card by selecting the product on the Supplier's platform. The Gift Card allows you to choose one of the online or classroom courses organized by the Supplier and promoted through the site, at a secondary time, no later than the expiry of the credit regulated in 12 months from the date of purchase for the generic Gift Card.

Registration procedure

Once the course has been selected, the user will be directed to a web page containing the technical data sheet of the event (with information relating to the course, such as: description, programme, recipients, date and location for classroom courses, subscription courses , teachers, price (to be considered inclusive of VAT) and can request registration upon registration.

To this end, the User must complete the appropriate form to register with the MAD system, taking care to indicate whether he or she operates as a private individual or as a company/freelancer and to enter the data required by the individual fields. Some of the data provided are essential for registration, others are useful to facilitate interaction between the parties. The platform will highlight with appropriate graphic signs the fields to be filled in as they are essential. Registration can take place on the management-advisor website. or its subdomains.

Some of the information requested (namely: name, surname, gender, profile photo, role, city, biography, website, social profile) may be disseminated through the platform and made accessible to other registered users in order to encourage interaction and the sharing. The user therefore, by joining the platform, accepts the publication of the data indicated.

It is forbidden to provide false personal details and to engage in any conduct likely to cause confusion regarding the user's personal identity. By way of example, this prohibition includes: the use of unreal names, personal details and residence of others; the self-attribution of titles and/or credentials not possessed.

The participant, in accepting the Terms and Conditions of Registration, is aware of the responsibilities and consequences envisaged in the event of false declarations and/or the creation or use of false documents as well as in the event of the production of documents containing data that no longer correspond to the truth. By accepting the aforementioned Terms and Conditions of Registration, the participant declares under his own responsibility that the data reported are true and belong to the declarant.

The positive outcome of registration and subsequent enrollment in the chosen course is subject to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, having read the privacy information and giving consent to the processing of the data provided.
At the end of the procedure, the member will receive an email to the email address indicated during registration containing the access credentials to their reserved area.

These credentials can be used by the participant to select further courses, in order to avoid having to fill out the form in the personal data and billing section (if not modified).

In the case of courses that require registration in a dedicated community, the member will also receive an email with instructions for accessing the dedicated community.

In the case of Gift Cards, the procedure is the same. The User will be able to select the value of the credit and the recipient of the gift voucher during the purchase.

 Purchase procedure

After having read the summary of the order, the member will be able to confirm the desire to purchase the course by clicking on the appropriate negotiation button, containing the wording "Order with obligation to pay" or a corresponding wording indicating that the forwarding of the order implies the obligation to pay. The page with a summary of the services purchased and the amount to be paid will then be displayed.

The member will thus be able to complete the order by paying the fee required for participation in the selected course using one of the following methods: credit card, PayPal, bank transfer or redemption of the Gift Card credit (if present). Redemption of Gift Card credit is for the value of the gift voucher. If the selected product has a higher cost, the difference must be paid by selecting one of the payment methods indicated in the paragraph and the payment will be the responsibility of the Member. If the selected product has a lower cost, the remaining balance will remain available to the Member until the credit expires, and will be available for consultation in their reserved area of ​​the platform.

For subscription courses only, the payment of the expected fee must be made by credit card, the data of which will be stored in the Company's systems, with the guarantee of the minimum security measures prescribed by current legislation on privacy, for the entire duration. of the course. Payment will be automatic on the card used when the subscription is renewed and the user can deactivate the renewal at any time.

Payment by bank transfer - for courses for which you are admitted - must be made within 5 days of the registration date. Payment by credit or debit card must be made within 4 hours. Failure to do so and after the aforementioned deadlines have expired, the order will be canceled and the user will have to repeat the procedure to participate.

With actual participation in the chosen course within the terms described below, the service will be deemed to have been provided.
In the reserved area the member will be able to view the status of the order at any time and proceed with payment, thus concluding the purchase procedure.

The invoice or receipt certifying payment, if due, will be issued following payment, and sent via email to the certified email address provided by the participant or retrieved through the electronic invoicing system, as per current regulations.

 Conduct of courses

The classroom courses will take place in the location selected for the event, on the dates and times established and indicated in the sheet relating to the selected course.

The live web courses will take place through the e-learning platform made available to participants, on the dates and times established and indicated in the sheet relating to the selected course.

The on-demand courses will take place through the e-learning platform made available to participants, who will be able to follow the event at any time from their activation. Access to the teaching materials of the on-demand courses is guaranteed for the time the teaching materials are present on the Company's platform. The same may eliminate the educational materials without notice at its discretion due to business needs or causes of force majeure. For All Access Pass only, access to learning materials is valid for 365 days from the date of purchase. Upon expiration of the indicated validity, the User will no longer have access to the educational contents.


User area

The User who has completed the registration procedure will receive the credentials to access their reserved area via email.
These credentials are personal and cannot be transferred to third parties.
Access to your User Area cannot be done from different devices at the same time. The User will be able to access their account uniquely, from one device at a time. In the event of loss of the password, a specific procedure is provided for its recovery.

From the user area it is possible to access and modify your data, including the access password, check the courses purchased and the specifications relating to them, view the status of your orders and complete any pending purchases. For the above purposes, the participant is responsible for verifying and updating the data in order to guarantee its accuracy and correct processing by the Supplier.

The user is free to enter additional information in their profile, which can be viewed by other registered users, and can decide whether to interact with other users through the exchange of messages that can be conveyed through the platform itself. In order to facilitate the user, a notification service is provided within the platform, with which the user is informed regarding the receipt of any messages.

In order to allow interaction between those registered on the platform, it allows the latest accesses to be displayed, showing the name and profile image of the registered user.

E-learning platform

Access to the e-learning platform is permitted only to those who are in possession of the credentials issued for this purpose by the Supplier following the correct conclusion of the registration and purchase procedure described above. Access to the e-learning platform cannot take place from different devices at the same time. The User will be able to access their account uniquely, from one device at a time.

The online courses take place, in whole or in part, through the platform.

With reference to live web courses, the Participant must verify the date and times in which they will take place in order to take advantage of the live webinar formula which includes online interaction with the teachers and other students.

On demand courses and subscription courses, on the other hand, do not provide time limits for participation, without prejudice, for on demand courses, to access up to thirty days from activation and, for subscription courses, to access before deadline set for the conclusion of the course.

The platform also contains the materials relating to the courses (online and in the classroom) which can be viewed and downloaded by participants at any time, even at the end of the courses themselves, within the limits described in point 6 of this contract.

Access to the teaching materials of the courses, and subscription courses, is guaranteed for the time the teaching materials are present on the Company's platform. The same may eliminate the educational materials without notice at its discretion due to business needs or causes of force majeure.

In the case of subscription courses, the contents can only be viewed until the deadline set for the course, without prejudice to what is indicated in point 10 of this contract.


The Supplier guarantees that it has acquired the economic exploitation rights on the educational material relating to the courses, published on the site in any form, including multimedia, and that it uses any material covered by copyright in accordance with the current legislation applicable on the matter, which expressly provides , such as hypotheses of free use, by way of example and not exhaustively, the reproduction or citation of material for use in criticism, discussion or, again, for educational or scientific use.

The indications referred to in the previous point also apply to the teaching material relating to courses with a dedicated community published on the platform as well as within the dedicated community, with the exception of any materials published by participants within this community, which remain the property of the latter.

The Supplier grants participants the possibility of viewing the educational material and downloading it for the sole purpose of personal use, while they are precluded from disseminating, reusing, copying, selling it or any other action not expressly provided for and specifically agreed with the supplier. Furthermore, the user will not be able to make any requests, questions or claims to MAD or to third-party partner companies for the contents created and shared during the courses.

During the course of the classroom or online courses, images may be acquired, including those of a portrait nature, which show the participating user. More precisely, the Supplier may take photographs (in the case of classroom courses) or screenshots (in the case of live web courses), directly or by making use of third parties who operate in the interest and on behalf of the Supplier, who will acquire all derivative and consequent rights on the photographic material thus created.

The photographic shots taken during the course attended by the participant will be used by Management Advisor Srl to document the progress of the course as well as to promote the activities carried out, also through their publication on the website and its subdomains, as well as on the channels company social networks, brochures or by inclusion in documents intended for dissemination.
To this end, MAD will request specific authorization from the participant shown in the images for their use for the aforementioned information and promotional purposes according to the conditions indicated below:
– The images will be processed by MAD in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data according to the instructions already provided to the participant through the information on participants during the registration phase;
– The images collected will not be used in ways that could compromise the personal and professional dignity and decorum of the interested party;
– The release does not result in any compensation or other economic recognition for the interested party

By adhering to these conditions, the User does not acquire any rights to the contents, graphics, templates of the portal and any other element present therein. They are therefore prohibited from reproducing the graphics of the site or any other site developed, licensed, controlled or owned by the company itself. No logo, graphic element, sound or image accompanying the pages of the site may be copied or reproduced without the express authorization of the company.

The brands, even in fact, contained on the site or referred to are protected by the law on registered trademarks, on unfair competition and other applicable laws and by any commercial agreements and, therefore, cannot be copied or imitated.

The names of products and companies mentioned on the platform may be trademarks of their respective owners used by the supplier as a result of specific commercial agreements, therefore unauthorized use of the same is expressly prohibited.

The software relating to the platform including updates, possibly provided or otherwise made available to the User, are created or acquired by the Supplier, who is entitled to all rights of economic use and this agreement does not give the User any rights over the same and on the relevant source codes. The User is expressly prohibited from carrying out the activities referred to in the art. 64-bis L. 633/41, such as, by way of example but not limited to: the reproduction, extraction, translation, adaptation, distribution to the public in any form or transfer to third parties of the Software for any reason carried out, whether costly or free. For the entire duration of the agreement and also subsequently, without express authorization from the Supplier, the User is prohibited from carrying out interventions on the Software, even for the correction of any faults and/or defects, as well as duplication, decompiling, disassembly, transformation, software modification. The User will never acquire ownership of the site. The source codes and all rights are the exclusive property of the Supplier. The same applies to the proprietary media through which the material and recordings in live webinars are reproduced.

All rights not expressly granted are reserved.

Any contrary behavior by users legitimizes the Supplier, upon deletion of the profile, to act in the appropriate places and with the appropriate forms.


The Supplier undertakes to guarantee access to the services offered by the platform to those who have correctly completed the registration and purchase procedure for the courses, except as provided in the following points 10 and 11.

The Supplier undertakes to activate the courses on demand within thirty days of purchase, except as established in the following points 10 and 11.

With reference to courses that include a dedicated community, the Supplier undertakes to guarantee access to the platform and the dedicated community by the start of the course and for the entire duration of the same, without prejudice to what is indicated in point 10.
It is the supplier's obligation make available to the Participant their own reserved area in which their personal data and further information relating to the courses selected and purchased will be reported.

Except as established in the previous point 4, it is the Supplier's obligation to set up the system so that the Participant can access, within the established deadlines, the course material and download it for the slides or in streaming mode for the videos where provided, regardless of how they are carried out, at any time (while always respecting the terms indicated) and, for the courses used, until the Participant requests the deletion of their profile.

With regard to courses that include a dedicated community, access to the materials present within the dedicated community is permitted for the entire duration of the course itself.

The Supplier undertakes to provide a specific certificate of participation at the end of the classroom and online course where applicable. The same will be delivered directly to the course participant in the classroom; in the case of participation in the online course, the certificate will instead be directly accessible and downloadable from the reserved area.

The Supplier undertakes to store and process the personal data of users and customers in accordance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments, ensuring compliance with the obligations set out therein and, in particular, those relating to the preparation of the logical and physical security measures referred to in the articles. 31 et seq. of the aforementioned legislation, to their maintenance, maintenance and assistance in accordance with the law, and to use the information for the sole purposes indicated to the users and for which they have given specific consent, where necessary.

In the event of a cancellation request by the Participant, the Supplier undertakes to delete all data collected, without prejudice to any retention obligations imposed by law.


When creating their profile and filling out the form, the User who intends to register undertakes to provide their personal data correctly and truthfully and not to upload illicit content.

The Member undertakes to maintain with the required diligence the authentication credentials necessary to access their reserved area and the e-learning platform.

The user undertakes to use the interaction services offered by the platform to the registered user for the sole purpose of comparison regarding the topics covered by the courses offered by the Company, any form of contact aimed at promoting goods or services being considered prohibited and, more generally, any spamming activity or other activity that violates current legislation or may annoy other users.

The User is prohibited from sharing his/her login credentials with other parties. Registration on the site is nominal and personal. The Participant undertakes to access the educational materials in a unique way, being limited by the platform to access from multiple devices in a contextual manner. Any abuse of the use of one's credentials will result in the cancellation of enrollment in the course and/or payment of the enrollment fee for any User who has fraudulently used the educational materials.

It is the registrant's obligation to proceed with the payment of the fee foreseen for the selected course according to one of the methods indicated and within four hours, in the case of payment by credit or debit card, or within five days, in the case of payment by bank transfer, starting from the order placement.

In the case of subscription courses, it is the member's obligation to make the payment by credit card and provide the card details as a guarantee for the entire duration of the course.

It is the participant's obligation to use the materials relating to the course limited to what is indicated in point 6.

In case of participation in a live web course, the participant undertakes to interact with the teacher and other users within the limits of what is relevant to the topic of the course, assuming from now on all responsibility for any illicit content, contrary to good customs. , morality and violative of the rights of others, possibly communicated on that occasion.

The indications contained in the previous point also extend to participation in a course that involves participation in an online community, having regard, in particular, to interaction within the dedicated community.

In case of participation in a classroom lab, the participant is responsible for his own conduct and undertakes to behave appropriately, without hindering the correct carrying out of the activities and/or creating disturbance to the teacher or other participants and/or damaging things or people. The participant is solely responsible for any injury, loss and/or damage that he or she may suffer while participating in the event, even if caused by the action or negligence of other participants or third parties. The Provider does not provide health, accident or life insurance for participants.


Access to the platform is permitted until the user requests the deletion of his profile.

The duration of the courses is that indicated in the form that the user sees when signing up for the course.

For subscription courses only, the parties agree that, upon expiration and where applicable, the relationship is considered tacitly renewed for the same duration as the agreed one if neither party sends a cancellation notice to the other party. The cancellation by the user can be sent at any time before the moment of automatic renewal via the appropriate button in the Subscriptions section of the User Area.


The participant is granted the right to withdraw, without charge and without specifying the reason, within 14 days of enrolling in the course. The participant may inform the Supplier of his decision to exercise the right of withdrawal, within the aforementioned terms, by presenting any other explicit declaration of his decision to withdraw from the contract.

Regardless of the form used, the communication must be sent before the expiry of the withdrawal period, to the Supplier, at the indicated office, by email to the address:

In the event of the participant/consumer exercising the right of withdrawal, the Supplier will be required to reimburse the sums already obtained in payment within 14 days of becoming aware of the exercise of the right. These refunds will be made using the same payment method used by the participant for the initial transaction, unless otherwise expressly agreed; in any case, the participant will not have to bear any costs as a consequence of such reimbursement.

If before the expiry of the 14 day period, the consumer has started to use the requested services, he will not be able to exercise the right of withdrawal, without prejudice to what is specified in the following point 11.
Following the withdrawal, the participant is prevented from accessing the/ and platform(s) with which it is provided.

The Gift Card product does not provide the possibility of withdrawal. By purchasing the credit, the User undertakes to use the gift voucher no later than 12 months of validity for the Gift Card.


Outside of the cases provided for in the previous point 10, the participant is still allowed to express his/her intention not to participate in the course purchased by means of a communication to be sent via email to according to the methods and within the following limits:

a) For online courses (other than subscription ones), classroom labs (registration for which also includes the online course) and online specializations , where the above communication is received by the second online lesson as per the teaching calendar provided in the User Area, the participant will be entitled to a full refund of the fee already paid.
b) For on demand courses , subscription courses and update courses , where the above communication is received within 15 days of registration, the participant will be entitled to a full refund of the fee already paid, without prejudice to having not started to take advantage of the requested services.

The Supplier undertakes to pay the sum due as a refund within 15 days of receiving the communication. The refund will be made using the same payment method used by the participant for the initial transaction, unless otherwise expressly agreed.

The Gift Card product does not provide the possibility of cancellation. By purchasing the credit, the User undertakes to use the gift voucher no later than 12 months of validity for the Gift Card and no later than 6 months for the All Access Pass Gift Card.


In relation to the number of registrations received, the Supplier may cancel or move the course to another date, subject to at least 5 days' notice. sent to the email address provided by the Participant.

In the event of cancellation for reasons attributable to the Company, the Supplier will refund the entire fee paid by the Participant or, in agreement with the same, pay a bonus of the same amount for the purchase of other courses. If a Gift Card is used to purchase the course, the Supplier will top up the amount used in the Participant's reserved area. In the event of postponement or cancellation of the course due to exceptional events, causes of force majeure not attributable to the Supplier itself and/or requirements of the Administrative Authorities, as occurred at the beginning of 2020 due to the COVID-19 emergency, the legal provisions apply.

In the case of subscription courses lasting more than four months, where the supplier cannot guarantee the continuation of the course for any further duration for organizational reasons linked to relationships with the teachers, it will immediately notify the participant via communication to be sent to the email address indicated during registration; in this case the Company will refund the amount corresponding to the period of the course not used and, in the case of payment in instalments, the participant will not have to pay further sums for the subsequent months of the course taken up.

In the event that the start date of the course is changed, the Participant has the right to accept the new programming or even the alternative solution of the bonus of the same amount as the course for the purchase of other courses, without further charges and subject to reimbursement of any difference , confirming this by email following the instructions in point 10 and within 10 days of the communication sent by the Supplier, or opting, through the same communication, for the reimbursement of the sums paid, by means of a request to be sent using the aforementioned methods and terms.

The Supplier reserves the right at any time and without notice to make changes to the content of the initiative and the composition of the teaching staff, guaranteeing equal professionalism, competence and the training path, following publication on the official event page.


The Supplier's liability is understood to be within the limits of the obligations undertaken with these terms and conditions and the sum paid upon registration.

The Supplier is required to transmit the participant's personal identification data to the teacher to allow the correct carrying out of the training activities, but any liability for any processing not connected to the course-related activities that the teacher initiates independently remains excluded.

The Supplier, while taking care to carefully select the teachers to whom they will be entrusted with carrying out the courses offered through the site, is not responsible for the accuracy and accuracy of the contents proposed and for the comments and opinions expressed, in any form, during the course of the course. teaching activity.

Furthermore, any liability is excluded in relation to the management of the Facebook Groups dedicated to continuous refresher courses which the teacher, having ceased the relationship with the Company, should decide to keep active and manage for purposes and according to methods defined independently, with respect to which the Company remains a stranger.

The User guarantees that he will use the site according to the conditions and for the services established and offered by the supplier, excluding any use that has illegal purposes or purposes contrary to what is provided for in these terms and conditions of use and in any case in ways that could damage him, make him unusable, overload or deteriorate it or interfere with the use of it by other Users.
The Supplier is not responsible either towards the User or towards subjects directly or indirectly connected to them for delays, disservices or suspensions of the site that depend on third parties or caused by force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances (including, by way of example, and non-exhaustive: suspension, slowdown or malfunctioning of the telephone service or electricity supply, malfunctions of the internet network or of the internet service provider, or of the software used to carry out the service, impediments or obstacles determined by legal provisions or from acts of foreign national authorities, provisions or acts of a legal nature or facts of third parties, or other causes not directly attributable to the Supplier); for delays, disservices or suspensions of the social network platform used for the courses; for increase or lack of increase in business by the User's activity, for failure to achieve the desired results in relation to investments and costs incurred and for any damage resulting from teaching; for tampering or interventions by third parties on services or equipment used by the Supplier or the User; for incorrect use of the platform by Users; malfunction of the connection equipment used by Users; non-conformity and/or obsolescence of devices or programs with which the User or third parties are equipped; problems or inefficiencies relating to hosting and domain; for service malfunctions, data losses, accidental disclosure of personal or sensitive data, and any other type of damage occurring as a result of attacks by computer pirates, thieves, hackers, crackers, viruses, etc.

The User accepts that the Supplier will not be held responsible for omissions or errors that may be contained in the materials transited on the site nor, again, for any violation of the rights of others and for damages, even indirect, consequential thereto, or for other damages of any kind, including resulting from loss of the right of use, loss of information or loss of profit or resulting from breach of contract, negligence or other harmful actions, deriving from or in any way connected to the use or information available on the site.


The parties recognize Italian law as the only valid one for all the articles and clauses of these conditions.

The reference language is Italian. Upon explicit request of the user, the parties may opt for the English language; in the event of any discrepancies between the English translation and the Italian version, the literal doubt is resolved in favor of the latter, this also applies in reference to any update versions of these conditions


All disputes relating to this agreement are referred to Italian jurisdiction, and the Court of Catania will have exclusive jurisdiction, without prejudice to the consumer's jurisdiction where applicable.

Update date: 28 APRIL 2021