MAD - Management Advisor srl

Support for businesses in historic villages thanks to the PNRR


The new PNRR call aims to support entrepreneurial development in the municipalities involved in the local cultural and social regeneration projects of small historic villages (PNRR-M1C3-Inv.2.1 Line B). The aim is to respond to specific territorial needs and promote local economic recovery through long-lasting entrepreneurial initiatives rooted in the territory. Beneficiaries: single or aggregated SMEs, […]

Non-repayable contributions for startups, innovation and tourism in Campania: investments of up to €34 million

Non-repayable grants for startups

The Campania Region promotes economic development by making 110 million euros available to finance startups, innovation and tourism. Let's discover the three main active measures. Campania Startup 2023 The “Campania Startup 2023” call encourages the development of innovative startups to improve the competitiveness of the regional production system. The financed investments concern technological solutions developed [...]