Non-repayable contributions for startups, innovation and tourism in Campania: investments of up to €34 million

Non-repayable grants for startups

The Campania Region promotes economic development by making 110 million euros available to finance startups, innovation and tourism. Let's discover the three main active measures.

Campania Startups 2023

The “Campania Startup 2023” call encourages the development of innovative startups to improve the competitiveness of the regional production system. The financed investments concern technological solutions developed in Campania, with a minimum investment of €70,000 and a maximum of €350,000. Expenses for systems, equipment, software, patents, consultancy and personnel are eligible. The resources allocated are 30 million euros, with applications accepted from 15 June to 31 July 2023.

Aid for investments and strengthening of the production structure in Campania

The Campania Region makes 110 million euros available to increase the competitiveness of local businesses, support innovation and encourage strategic productive investments. Projects for the expansion of production capacity, research and development and staff training can be financed. Companies of all sizes with at least two years of activity and headquarters in Campania can participate. Eligible investments vary between 2 and 34 million euros, with non-repayable contributions of up to 80%. Applications can be submitted from May 30 to September 12, 2023.

Incentives for the tourism sector in Campania

Campania supports the tourism sector through incentives for the hiring of staff and the promotion of stable, quality work. Tourism companies that hire employees or activate internships in Campania can benefit from hiring bonuses of up to €7,000. The measure is retroactive and covers hires made from 1 April 2023. The overall allocation is 16 million euros, with applications accepted until available resources are exhausted.
