With the initiative, the CDP Foundation aims to enhance innovative social initiatives, capable of generating a significant impact in the context in which they are applied and for the beneficiaries to which they are addressed. More in detail, it aims to select already tested ideas and solutions, even on a small scale, whose feasibility has been verified for the purpose of a larger development.
Who is it aimed at?
- Third sector entities (ETS);
- Non -governmental organizations (NGO);
- Non -profit organizations of social utility (Onlus);
- Social cooperatives;
- Social enterprises;
- Innovative non -profit startups with a social vocation.
The recently established entities are also admitted, provided that they are able to show at least the budget relating to the first year of exercise.
What does it predict
For each category, two prizes (the "prizes") of the value of:
- € 90,000 for the first classified;
- Euro 45.000 for the second classified.
The provision of a further prize worth 90,000 ("Special Prize"), in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo, is also foreseen. This special award will be awarded to the most innovative and effective solution in applying technological tools and artificial intelligence, to encourage the social and/or work inclusion of fragile subjects. It should be noted that the special prize cannot be awarded to an entity already resulting first or second classified in one of the 3 categories.