With this measure, the Department of Family and Social Policies of the Sicilian Region adaptation, re-functionalization and renovation of public buildings (including the supply of equipment and furnishings also with a view to innovation ) for the provision of social and partner services intended for the elderly, people with limited autonomy and their families (multifunctional aggregation spaces, semi-residential centers, spaces, spaces. of reception), in order to facilitate the quality of life of people in conditions of fragility and favoring the processes of reconciliation of life-work times.
Who is it aimed at?
The municipalities of the Sicilian Region and their associations/consortia/unions, also associated with other public bodies.
What does it predict
The financial contribution in capital account is granted for the maximum amount of € 750,000.00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand/00). The amounts that exceed this sum are borne by the beneficiary. In any case, operations will not be financed with a total amount of less than € 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand/00)