MAD - Management Advisor srl

MAD sponsors the Sicilian water polo team Muri Antichi

MAD sponsors the Sicilian water polo team Muri Antichi

No one ever said swimming was easy, but it's worth it.

For us sport is important to promote inclusion and sociality. It teaches how to be a group and work as a team, it encourages a mindset that is important in life and work. It creates a connection between mind and body, teaches you to overcome your limits and set goals to achieve. Each player knows they are important to each other. Winning is not the only thing that matters, but it is important to do it together, as a group and as a team.

This is why we at MAD - Management Advisor Srl have chosen to be a sponsor of the Sicilian water polo team Muri Antichi which competes in Serie B. Top of the list, ready for a return round in which commitment and determination will be fundamental to continue the championship undefeated. We believe in the territory, in the relationships we cultivate and in the growth opportunities for young people.

Thanks to the commitment of President Luigi Spinnicchia, with whom a relationship of trust and mutual esteem was born, in which the common passion became an opportunity to contribute to the successes of the team and the educational role of sport.

Go Ancient Walls!
