The call promotes the diffusion of digital culture and practice in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, of all economic sectors through economic support for digitalisation initiatives, also aimed at green oriented approaches of the production fabric, and encourages the start-up by of companies of paths to encourage the ecological transition through energy efficiency interventions, introduction of Renewable Energy Sources and participation in Renewable Energy Communities.
Who is it aimed at?
The call is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that have their registered office and/or operational headquarters in the territorial district of the Caserta Chamber of Commerce.
What does it predict
The Call intends to finance, through the use of non-repayable contributions - up to a maximum of €6,000.00 - projects for the digital transition and ecological transition presented by individual companies. The digital transition interventions must concern the following technologies, including the planning or design of the related interventions: a) advanced and collaborative robotics; b) human-machine interface; c) additive manufacturing and 3D printing; d) rapid prototyping; e) internet of things and machines;f) cloud, fog and quantum computing;g) cyber security and business continuity;h) big data and analytics;i) artificial intelligence;j) blockchain;k) technological solutions for immersive, interactive and participatory (augmented reality, virtual reality and 3D reconstructions);l) simulation and cyberphysical systems;m) vertical and horizontal integration;n) digital technological supply chain solutions for the optimization of the supply chain;o) technological solutions for the management and coordination of business processes with high activity integration characteristics (e.g. ERP, MES, PLM, SCM, CRM, including tracking technologies, e.g. RFID, barcode, etc);p) e-commerce systems with software proprietary with advanced features and integration with company management/CRM q) mobile and/or Internet payment systems; r) creation/adaptation of the company website with advanced features (e.g. integration with chatbots, CRM, management systems, web apps, booking systems etc.). The projects for the ecological transition presented by individual companies for the acquisition of consultancy and training services by highly qualified and competent figures are aimed at encouraging: - the rationalization of the use of energy by companies, through the implementation of energy efficiency interventions, reducing consumption and emissions of climate-altering gases; - RES self-production systems, also through the participation of companies in CERs, - systems for measurement, continuous monitoring, adoption of models consistent with sustainable development according to ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria with reference to the 17 United Nations objectives (SDGs); - activation of alignment paths with certifications on quality, resilience, social responsibility, verification of working conditions such as ISO 14000, EMAS, ISO/IEC 27000-series, UNI ISO 26000, SA 8000, UNI/Pd R 125:2022, UNI-EN ISO 9000, ISO 37001.