The measure supports the technological and digital transformation processes of SMEs and business networks throughout the national territory and introduces managerial figures into the company to implement the enabling technologies envisaged by the National Enterprise 4.0 Plan and to modernize the management and organizational structures of the company , including access to financial and capital markets. The financial allocation allocated for the implementation of the intervention is equal to 75 million euros distributed for each of the years 2019, 2020 and 2021.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies operating throughout the national territory that, at the date of submission of the application as well as at the time of granting the contribution, possess the following requirements can benefit from the benefits referred to in the Voucher for innovation consultancy: - qualify as micro, small or medium-sized enterprise pursuant to current legislation, – not included among the companies active in the sectors excluded by article 1 of EU Regulation no. 1407/2013 of the Commission, of 18 December 2013 "De Minimis", - have registered office and/or active local unit on the national territory and are registered in the Business Register of the territorially competent Chamber of Commerce, - not be the recipient of disqualification sanctions against pursuant to article 9, paragraph 2, of legislative decree 8 June 2001, n. 231 and be up to date with the payment of social security contributions, not be subject to insolvency proceedings and not be in a state of bankruptcy, even voluntary liquidation, controlled administration, composition with creditors or in any other equivalent situation pursuant to current legislation, not having received and subsequently not reimbursed or deposited in a blocked account aid on which a recovery order is pending, following a previous decision of the European Commission declaring the aid illegal and incompatible with the common market. Business networks made up of no less than three SMEs in possession of the requirements described can also benefit from the Voucher, provided that the network contract represents an effective and stable collaboration and is characterized by the elements referred to in article 2, paragraph 2, of the decree of 7 May 2019.
What does it predict
The benefit consists of a voucher that can be granted under the “de minimis” regime pursuant to Regulation (EU) no. 1407/2013. The maximum grant that can be granted is differentiated according to the type of beneficiary: - micro and small businesses: equal to 50% of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 40 thousand euros, - medium businesses: equal to 30% of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 25 thousand euros, – business networks: equal to 50% of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 80 thousand euros.