Trasimeno for all 2023 – Umbria Region Notice for the support of tourism businesses, tourism services for the enhancement in terms of accessibility of basic tourist services and related and/or specialized services

December 19, 2023


Contribution/Repayable fund











October 31, 2023
May 21, 2024


No additional notes
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With the Trasimeno for all Notice, Sviluppumbria SpA intends to implement an intervention aimed at supporting investment projects by hospitality businesses and tourism-related service businesses for the development of an accessible and inclusive tourism system in the Lake Trasimeno area. A systemic intervention is envisaged based on the "Tourism for All" approach, consistent with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and which can also be a trailblazer and model for other territories in the Umbria Region.

Who is it aimed at?

The Trasimeno for all notice is aimed at MSMEs with operational headquarters in the municipalities of Castiglione del Lago, Città della Pieve, Paciano, Panicale, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Piegaro, Tuoro del Trasimeno, Magione and operating in the sectors of hotel, non-hotel and non-hotel accommodation facilities. in the open air referred to in LR n. 8/2017 – articles. from 15 to 29 and art. 32 and in services connected to the tourism supply chain.

What does it predict

With the Trasimeno for all notice we intend to provide a systemic intervention based on the "Tourism for all" approach, consistent with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and which can also be a trailblazer and model for other territories of the Umbria Region.

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Allowed Costs

Professional Training, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses
Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector



All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;




Acquasparta; Allerona; Alviano; Amelia; Arro; Assisi; Attigliano; Avigliano Umbro; Basques; Bastia Umbra; Bettona; Bevagna; Calvi from Umbria; Campello sul Clitunno; Cannara; Cascia; Castel Giorgio; Castel Ritaldi; Castel Viscardo; Castiglione del Lago; Cerreto di Spoleto; Citerna; Città della Pieve; Città di Castello; Collazzone; Corciano; Costacciaro; Deruta; Fabro; Ferentillo; Ficulle; Foligno; Vico moat; Fratta Todina; Janus of Umbria; Jupiter; Gualdo Cattaneo; Gualdo Tadino; Guardea; Gubbio; Lisciano Niccone; Lugnano in Teverina; Mansion; Marsciano; Massa Martana; Monte Castello di Vibio; Monte Santa Maria Tiberina; Montecastrilli; Montecchio; Montefalco; Montefranco; Montegabbione; Monteleone d'Orvieto; Monteleone di Spoleto; Montone; Narni; Nocera Umbra; Norcia; Orvieto; Utricles; Paciano; Panic; Parrano; Passignano sul Trasimeno; Penna in Teverina; Perugia; Piegaro; Pietralunga; Poggiodomo; Polino; Porano; Preci; Saint Gemini; San Giustino; San Venanzo; Saint Anatolia of Narco; Scheggia and Pascelupo; Scheggino; Sellano; Seal; Spello; Spoleto; Stroncone; Terni; Todi; Torgiano; Trevi; Tuoro sul Trasimeno; Umbertide; Valfabbrica; Vallo di Nera; Valtopina

Managing entity

Sviluppumbria SpA

Primary regulatory basis

Fund for the inclusion of people with disabilities - Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Office for policies in favor of people with disabilities. Admission provision of the Head of the Office for policies in favor of people with disabilities dated 31 May 2022. Umbria Region Project title: Trasimeno for all.

Implementation measure

Fund for the inclusion of people with disabilities - Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Office for policies in favor of people with disabilities. Admission provision of the Head of the Office for policies in favor of people with disabilities dated 31 May 2022. Umbria Region Project title: Trasimeno for all.

Incentive allocation

250000 €

Reference site accessibility-of-services

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