MAD - Management Advisor srl

TOCC – Ecological Transition Cultural and Creative Organisms
















No additional notes

Non-repayable contributions in favor of micro and small businesses, third sector bodies and profit and non-profit organisations, operating in the cultural and creative sectors to promote innovation and eco-friendly design.

Beneficiaries The following
can apply for financing:
A. micro and small businesses, in the form of joint stock companies or partnerships, including cooperative companies;

B. recognized and unrecognized associations;

C. the foundations;

D. organizations with non-profit legal personality; and Third Sector Bodies.

All the subjects thus identified must be established as of 12/31/2021. The creators will be able to participate with network projects.

Eligible interventions

For eligibility purposes, the proposed projects can have a maximum value of 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand/00) euros, net of VAT and must be started after the submission of the application.
In any case the VAT will have to be tracked separately. The maximum expected duration is 18 (eighteen) months for each admitted project, starting from the date of acceptance of the admission provision and in any case all activities must be completed no later than 31 December 2025. The project may be carried out in reference to one or more local units located on Italian territory, even if different from the registered office. However, the application must indicate the local unit to which the project refers. The assets covered by the contributions can also be used outside the local units, as long as they are located on the national territory, provided that their functionality for the project is demonstrated.

The interventions are aimed at:
A. creation of activities, projects or products based on eco-design and sustainability, also aimed at raising public awareness of environmental issues;

B. tools and solutions for the creation of events, activities and cultural services with low environmental impact;

C. strategic, organizational and operational planning actions for the drafting and implementation of governance development plans and measurement of environmental impacts, including energy efficiency programs;

D. creation of cultural products with a strong educational and didactic component aimed at raising awareness of respect for the environment;

E. implementation of experimental development and prototyping activities, aimed at the ecodesign of products and the recovery, reuse, recycling of products.

The areas of activity of the creators are the following:
I. Music;

II. Audiovisual and radio (including: film/cinema, television, video games, software and multimedia);

III. Fashion;

IV. Architecture and Design;

V. Visual arts (including photography);

YOU. Live Entertainment and Festival;

VII. Tangible and intangible cultural heritage (including: archives, libraries and museums);

VIII. Artistic craftsmanship;

IX. Publishing, books and literature;

X. Interdisciplinary area.

The projects presented may refer to partnerships with third parties, not participating in the notice as implementers, who facilitate the achievement of the indicated purposes.

Eligible expenses
a) latest generation systems, machinery, equipment, furnishings and movable vehicles (admissible provided they are strictly necessary and connected to the production cycle or provision of services), with low environmental impact and aimed at using the green production cycle. The aforementioned expenses must be consistent with the verification elements referred to in the DNSH operational guide.

b) specialized services and intangible assets with multi-year usefulness, limited to computer programs, patents, licenses and trademarks, as well as certifications, know-how and technical knowledge, including non-patented, related to the project to be carried out. These expenses must be supported by a specific sworn appraisal, issued by a qualified technician registered with the reference body having specific and documented skills in the relevant sector of the expense. The appraisal must contain all the information necessary to quantify the cost incurred for the multi-year assets being financed and certify the adequacy of the price;

c) masonry works up to the maximum limit of 20% of the eligible expenditure project (investment and working capital), for the adaptation of the local units of the implementing entities to the conditions necessary for the realization of the proposed and financed investment. The general service systems for the property also fall within the masonry works, except in the case of those strictly functional to the realization of the project, which will be reclassified in letter a).

The following working capital expenses are also eligible, up to a maximum limit of 20% of the eligible expenditure project, provided they are strictly functional to the financed project:

A. raw materials, consumables, semi-finished and finished products connected to the production process, as long as they are strictly functional to the financed project and have low environmental impact;

B. utilities relating to the local unit as long as they are strictly functional to the financed project;

C. rental fees relating to the local unit as long as they are strictly functional to the financed project;

D. provision of services strictly functional to the financed project not directly included in the expenses for specialist services, but in any case connected to needs deriving from the implementation of the project;

E. new staff hired for the financed project, who do not benefit from other benefits.

The concessions are granted exclusively in the form of non-repayable contributions and to a maximum extent of 80% of the eligible expenditure project and, in any case, for a maximum amount of €75,000.00 (seventy-five thousand/00), pursuant to and in limits of the de minimis Regulation.

Following the adoption of the rankings, the subjects included among those admitted will receive, by PEC, the communication of admission from the managing body. The disbursement of the contribution takes place upon request of the implementing body through the presentation of Work Progress Reports (SAL), a maximum of 2, without prejudice to the possibility of advance payment up to a maximum of 10% of the project amount following the signing of a bank guarantee or surety policy.


Starting from 12:00 on 11 May 2023 and no later than 18:00 on 12 July 2023.

For further information contact Dr. Angela Colosimo.
Email: | Mobile: 347.7135918

Photo by Sascha Bosshard on Unsplash

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation


Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs


Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type



Activity sector








Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure


References Official Journal


Incentive allocation


Reference site


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