New public notice for the selection of experimentation and applied research project proposals.
Who is it aimed at?
The interventions are aimed at public bodies, as leaders. The participation in the project of at least one person from each of the following categories is essential: public or private university and/or public or private research institution and centre; Companies, SMEs and/or start-ups established, Italian or foreign, with an operational headquarters in Italy. The successful tenderers who have already benefited from the previous tenders referred to in the decrees of 26 March 2019 and 17 October 2022 will not be able to participate in the selection.
What does it predict
Support projects aimed at improving services through the adoption of the aforementioned technologies, in order to constitute drivers for entrepreneurial development in the area with particular reference to SMEs and innovative startups and to encourage technological transfer towards businesses. The interventions must include the development of services and solutions that fall into the following areas: audiovisual industry, creative industries and gaming, protection and enhancement of Made in Italy. The project proposals will be financed from the PSC up to a maximum of 80% of the overall value of the project and in any case for an amount not exceeding 2,000,000.00 euros (two million)