The measure intends to support the development of "strategic technologies" to encourage large strategic investments of partnerships set up between large and medium -sized enterprises in the innovation areas provided by the European platform Step: that is, digital technologies, Deep Tech and Biotechnology .
Who is it aimed at?
They may apply to participate in the measure, partnerships of companies composed of small or medium -sized enterprises (SMEs, as defined at Annex I of the Gber Regulation) in collaboration with large companies (GI). These partnerships must be formalized by specific partnership agreement and must provide for the participation of at least 2 companies and up to a maximum of 8 companies , autonomous with each other, of which at least one SME and one Gi . Each company cannot, individually, incur more than 70% of the expenses admitted for the project. The partners must possess, at the time of submitting the application for participation in the announcement, the following requirements:
- be regularly constituted, registered and declared active in the register of companies (as resulting from chamber view); Companies non -residents in the Italian territory must be established according to the rules of civil and commercial law in force in the state of residence and registered in the analogue register of companies where existing;
- have an operational headquarters, where he carry out the project activities, in Lombardy or declare that he intends to establish an operational headquarters in Lombardy in which to carry out the project, by the date of request for the first provision;
- be autonomous compared to other partners, pursuant to the provisions referred to in Annex I Article 3 of the GBER Regulation. The concessions are granted, following the publication of a specific implementation announcement, pursuant to art. 25 of the Gber Regulation, implementing the facilities only following the favorable conclusion of the communication procedure to the European Commission.
Subjects are excluded that:
- are active in the sector of manufacturing, transformation and marketing of tobacco and tobacco products, pursuant to art. 7 c. 1 of Regulation (EU) n. 2021/1058 and SMI, i.e. operating in all sectors corresponding to primary or prevalent codes included in section C (code 12) and in section G (codes 46.35, 46.39.20, 46.21.21, 47.26) of the classification of ISTAT economic activities ATECO 2007;
- are active in the excluded sectors pursuant to art. 1 of the GBER Regulation;
- they return, at the level of primary code in the section A of the classification of Istat Ateco 2007 economic activities;
- are companies in difficulty, according to the definition referred to in art. 2 point 18 of the Gber Regulation;
- they do not stand in order with respect to the verification of the contribution regularity (DURC), as provided for in article 31 of Legislative Decree no. 69/2013 (converted into law no. 98/2013), under penalty of non -admissibility to this initiative (with the exception of those who are not obliged to this regularity);
- They are not in compliance with the current anti -mafia legislation, where applicable.
The concessions are granted and provided after complying with the obligations of implementation and questioning the National Register aid in implementation of L. 234/2012. The partnerships that apply on the measure are formalized at the time of the presentation of the project and partners cannot undergo corporate variations with the change of tax code before the concession of the facility. The corporate variation of a partner or renunciation of a partner before the granting of the facility is the cause of inadmissibility of the entire partnership. The implementing measures are defined as the possibilities and ways of variation after the granting of the facility.
What does it predict
The maximum help intensity for industrial research activities and for those of experimental development are equal to:
Aid intensity by type of activity and subject as a percentage of admitted expenses | Small businesses | Medium enterprises | Big businesses |
Industrial research: 50% to which to add the following increases: - 20% for small businesses - 10% for medium -sized enterprises - 15% for all companies if the project involves the actual collaboration between companies, of which at least one is a SME e It does not provide that a single company supports more than 70 % of the costs eligible in any case, the maximum intensity include all the increases provided therein cannot exceed 80 %. | 80% | 75% | 65% |
Experimental development: 25% to which to add the following increases: - 20% for small businesses - 10% for medium -sized enterprises - 15% for all companies if the project involves the actual collaboration between companies, of which at least one is a SME and It does not provide that a single company supports more than 70 % of the costs eligible in any case, the maximum intensity including all the increases provided therein cannot exceed 60 %. | 60% | 50% | 40% |