Concessions are envisaged in the form of subsidized financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, with mixed public-private funding at bank risk. The Region intervenes by transferring zero-interest funding to the bank.
Who is it aimed at?
SMEs operating in the sectors specified below are eligible for the benefits (ref. ATECO 2007 classification). LR 18 January 1999, n. 1: SMEs operating in the following sectors: E38, G, H52.29, H53.20, I56, J59, J60.10, J60.20, J62, K66, L68, M69, M70, M71, M73, M74.20, M74.30, N77, N78, N79, N80, N81, N82, P85, R90.02, R92, R93, S95, S96.
What does it predict
– Investment expenses - Real estate investments, movable investments, intangible assets, works management expenses, studies, planning, consultancy outsourced, connected with the investment program, and also aimed at marketing and promotion initiatives as well as obtaining quality certifications (10% max). Financial support expenses - Company recapitalization, Company financial rebalancing, Consolidation of short-term bank liabilities - - Other financial support initiatives. Applications for relief can be submitted continuously, as the relief is "one-stop" (art. 5, Legislative Decree no. 123/1998). The application must be submitted to Veneto Sviluppo through the banks or leasing companies affiliated with the Regional Finance Company or, alternatively, through a Guarantee Cooperative, a Credit Consortium or an Office (Provincial, Interprovincial or Regional) of a trade association, also through its own service company. The application presented through a Guarantee Cooperative, a Credit Consortium or an Office (Provincial, Interprovincial or Regional) of a Trade Association must already be complete with a copy of the resolution granting credit by the Bank / Chosen affiliated leasing company, with indication of: amount, technical form, duration, type of guarantees required to support the assignment.