The incentive provides benefits in the form of subsidized financing for small and medium-sized businesses, with mixed public-private funding at bank risk. The region intervenes by transferring zero-interest funding to the bank.
Who is it aimed at?
SMEs operating in the sectors specified below are eligible for the benefits (ref. ATECO 2007 classification). LR 17 January 2002, n. 2: Artisan SMEs in all sectors – Registration requirement in the register of artisan businesses. Initiatives aimed at making investments – The operational offices subject to the investment must be located in the Veneto Region. Financial support interventions – All operational offices must be located in the territory of the Veneto Region.
What does it predict
Concessions are provided for: - investment expenses - real estate investments, movable investments, intangible assets - costs of construction management, studies, planning, consultancy outsourced, connected with the investment program, and also aimed at marketing and promotion initiatives as well as obtaining quality certifications (10% max) - expenses for financial support - company recapitalization - company financial rebalancing - consolidation of short-term bank liabilities - other financial support initiatives.