Announcement for the granting of non-repayable contributions to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) which carry out retail sales of goods and/or services, supply of food and drinks, provision of personal services and trade in public areas, in scope of the regional tender "development of trade districts 2022-2024", intended for the Municipalities of the "Bergamo Island Widespread Trade District".
Who is it aimed at?
The call is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that carry out retail sales of goods and/or services, supply of food and drinks, provision of personal services and trade in public areas in the Municipalities of the "Widespread Trade District". Bergamo Island".
What does it predict
The aid is granted as a non-repayable benefit, against a spending budget freely composed of capital expenditure and current expenditure. The expected contribution, for accepted applications, is equal to 50% of the total eligible expenditure (capital and current account) net of VAT, and in any case cannot be higher than the amount of capital expenditure.