Smart specialization is the measure of the Sustainable Growth Fund (FCS), established with the ministerial decree of 14 September 2023, to support research and development projects, in line with the long-term investment priorities defined in the National Smart Specialization Strategy.
Who is it aimed at?
• Companies of any size with at least two budgets approved at the time of submitting the application for benefits, which carry out industrial, agro-industrial, artisan and industrial services activities (activities referred to in art. 2195 of the civil code, numbers 1, 3 and 5);• Research centres, set up in the form of a company. The opening of the first intervention is intended for projects carried out in the production units of the beneficiary companies located in the territories of the less developed regions (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily).
What does it predict
Granting of subsidized financing from the FRI (Revolving Fund for business support and investment in research) accompanied by spending contributions, in support of industrial research and experimental development projects of strategic importance for the production system, consistent with the thematic areas of the National strategy of intelligent specialization or aimed at identifying evolutionary technological and application trajectories thereof.