Subsidies in favor of companies operating in Sardinia for the organization and management of experimental training courses, also through company academies

February 15, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Hotel, Other services, Construction, Catering, Transport services, Tourism







September 15, 2022
October 1, 2023


No additional notes


The notice regulates the administrative procedure concerning the provision of subsidies in favor of companies operating in Sardinia having the requirements better specified in the public notice for the organization and management, also through company academies, of experimental training courses in collaboration with Accredited Training Agencies or ITS Academy. The intervention, implementing the provisions of art. 10, paragraph 16, letter. e) of LR 17/2021, is in continuity with the interventions referred to in the aforementioned "Work in Sardinia" fund and operates within the exemption aid regime governed by Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 (GBER), as amended with Regulation (EU) 2020/972 of 2 July 2020. The purposes must be pursued in compliance with what is expressly provided for by the regional law and by the Resolutions of the Regional Council no. 49/12 of 17 December 2021, n.6/10 of 25 February 2022, as amended with DGR n. 26/15 of 25 July 2023, of which this Notice constitutes the implementation. The object of the intervention is, in short, the co-financing of the organization and management of the aforementioned experimental training courses, aimed at encouraging the transfer of technical, professional and specialist knowledge among workers, enhancing the skills they have acquired within the companies and, at the same time , facilitate its transfer also to subjects external to them, through "mixed" training, both with reference to the participants involved (employed and unemployed together), and with regard to the type of training provided, which will have to combine theoretical learning with professional practice, in a work-based learning (WBL) perspective which favors learning in the working context within the framework of an increasingly dual professional training system. 

Who is it aimed at?

Companies that, on the date of submission of the Telematic Application Dossier (DCT), declare possession of the following requirements can propose their application for the provision of grants aimed at financing the organization and management of the experimental training courses covered by the announcement: . be a large enterprise, medium enterprise, small enterprise, network of micro and small enterprises, as defined in Recommendation 2003/361/EC of 6 May 2003 of the European Commission;2. have at least one local unit(s) active in the territory of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, operating in the strategic sectors of tourist hospitality and food and wine, transport and mobility; technological innovation in the most innovative areas of the energy sector (such as energy efficiency and renewable energy) ;3. be in compliance with the mandatory hiring of disabled workers pursuant to law no. 68/99 or, alternatively, not subject to the provisions of Law 68/99 as they have a number of employees less than 15 (in the case of micro and small business networks this requirement must be met by each of the companies that are part of it); 4. observe the relevant legislation in force regarding work, safety and mandatory social insurance, as well as respect the legislation on tax, environmental matters, relating to gender equality and the prevention of any discrimination;5. be in compliance with social security, welfare and insurance obligations (DURC Single Contribution Regularity Document) on the basis of the respective reference legislation;6. not have, in any capacity, debt situations towards the Regional Administration, its organizational structures, its instrumental bodies and its controlled and participated companies, pursuant to art. 14 LR 5/2016 as amended by art. 6, paragraph 3 of LR 16/2021, in relation to which the installment plan better described by DGR no. has not been approved. 8/42 of 19.2.2019 containing "Modifications and additions to the regulations regarding the recovery and collection of regional credits and contained in Annex 1 to DGR n. 38/11 of 30.9.2014, in the annex to DGR n. 5/52 of 11.2.2014 and in the annex to DGR n. 12/25 of 7.3.2017 (DGR no. 8/42 of 19.2.2019);7. not be in conditions such as to be a company in difficulty as identified in article 2, point 18) of Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 (GBER Regulation) and therefore not be in a state of bankruptcy or liquidation (even voluntary) , controlled administration, composition with creditors or in any other equivalent situation according to current legislation; 8. not having requested, for the proposed experimental training courses, other funding within the scope of national or regional programmes, other community programs or initiatives and/or based on the notices published by the Interprofessional Funds. 

What does it predict

The proposed experimental training courses must respond to the characteristics indicated below: The contents must be consistent with the strategic sector in which the proposing company carries out its entrepreneurial activity. This sector must be included in one of the following: - Tourist hospitality and food and wine; - Transport and mobility; - Technological innovation in the most innovative areas of the energy sector (such as energy efficiency and renewable energies); In consideration of the "mixed" nature of the classroom groups that will have to be involved in the experimental training courses (employed and unemployed together), the project proposals will have to combine the need for continuous strengthening and updating of the skills of the workers employed in the proposing company or in the companies of the proposing network with that aimed at facilitating the acquisition of professional skills by the share of unemployed (young people under 35 and women) that companies will host in the experimental training courses organized for their employees, to reduce the gap between the skills possessed by the unemployed and those required for the their insertion into the labor market; The project proposal must not have as its object training which, for employed people, could overlap with that provided within and through inter-professional funds; The experimental training courses must include the provision of a training capable of harmonizing theory and practice in the working context, from a perspective based on work-based learning (WBL). Consistent with this methodology, training projects must integrate training practices into the classroom training program in which learning occurs in a real work environment, through participation in work activities.

Objective – Purpose

Innovation and research, Ecological transition

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Professional training

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Large Business, Medium Business, Small Business

Activity sector

Hotel, Other services, Construction, Catering, Transport services, Tourism


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;





Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

RAS - General Directorate of Labour, Professional Training, Cooperation and Social Security - Policy implementation service for the PA, businesses and third sector bodies

Primary regulatory basis

REGIONAL LAW 22 NOVEMBER 2021, N. 17 - Provisions of an institutional-financial nature and regarding economic and social development - art. 10 co. 16 lett. And)
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

REGIONAL LAW 22 NOVEMBER 2021, N. 17 - Provisions of an institutional-financial nature and regarding economic and social development - art. 10 co. 16 lett. And)

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

1440000 €

Reference site

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