The Florence Chamber of Commerce intends to strengthen the ability of companies to operate on international markets, assisting them in identifying new business opportunities in the markets already served and in scouting first outlet markets or new markets, with a view to diversification of commercial outlets. The objective is to implement immediate support actions for businesses, in the form of contributions assigned to partially cover the expenses incurred for the acquisition of internationalization services. The specification is therefore aimed at supporting the use of services or solutions aimed at starting or strengthening the presence abroad of MSMEs of the territorial jurisdiction of the Chamber, through the analysis, planning, management and implementation of initiatives on international markets.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies that, on the date of submission of the application and on the date of payment of the contribution, present the following requirements are eligible for the benefits: a) they are Micro, Small or Medium-sized enterprises as defined in Annex 1 of EU Regulation no. 651/2014; b) have registered office and/or local unit in the territorial district of the Florence Chamber of Commerce; c) are registered in the Companies Register and active. It is specified that subjects registered only in the Economic and Administrative Repertoire cannot benefit from the aforementioned contributions; d) are up to date with the payment of the annual fee; e) do not have existing supplies with the Florence Chamber of Commerce pursuant to article 4 , paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree 95 of 06.07.2012, converted into Law 07.08.2012, n. 135;f) are not in the liquidation phase and are not subject to the insolvency procedures referred to in the Royal Decree of 16.03.1942, n. 267 and subsequent amendments, or to the procedures provided for by the Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code referred to in Legislative Decree 12.01.2019 n. 14; g) have legal representatives, administrators (with or without powers of representation) and members for whom there are no causes of prohibition, forfeiture or suspension provided for by the art. 67 of Legislative Decree 06.09.2011, n. 159 (Code of anti-mafia laws and prevention measures, as well as new provisions regarding anti-mafia documentation). The subjects subjected to the anti-mafia check are those indicated in the art. 85 of Legislative Decree 06.09.2011, n. 159.
What does it predict
The chamber contribution is equal to 50% of eligible expenses, with a minimum expenditure of €500.00 and a maximum contribution of €1,500.00. Companies in possession of the legality rating will be awarded a bonus of €100.00. The following expenses, net of VAT, invoiced and paid starting from 1 January 2024 are eligible for the contribution: a) expenses for participation in exhibitions/ fairs, including digital ones, including registration and set-up fee, included in the 2024 Calendar of International Trade Fairs held in Italy published by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces referred to at the following link: expenses for participation in exhibitions/fairs, including digital ones, held abroad (both in EU and non-EU countries): creation of exhibition spaces (virtual or, where possible, physical, including rental and possible set-up, as well as interpretation and hostess service), also including the participation/registration fee and the costs for any transport of the products (including insurance).c) costs for obtaining or renewing the product certifications necessary for export to foreign countries or to exploit certain foreign commercial channels (e.g. GDO);d) expenses for the protection of the company's brand/patent abroad;e) expenses for the development of internal skills through the use of a digital export manager;f) expenses for participation in business meetings (hybrid or in-person mode) between international buyers and national operators; g) market tests with display of products in showrooms and other suitable locations depending on the type of product; h) specialized legal/organisational/contractual/technical assistance for finalization of business contracts, participation in European and international tenders, consultancy on international taxation, customs consultancy; i) expenses for the implementation of ex-ante and ex-post activities with respect to commercial promotion activities such as: market analysis and research for the preparation of feasibility studies relating to specific outlet markets, customer/partner research to stipulate commercial contracts or collaboration agreements;j) expenses for digital marketing campaigns in foreign languages aimed exclusively at foreign countries, with specific reference to the platform used for the sponsorship.