The call intends to support investments for the creation of new artisan businesses.
Who is it aimed at?
The call is aimed at individual MICRO and SMALL artisan enterprises (MPI). Beneficiaries are active companies, with registered office or, at least, a production unit, already present on the national territory, ascertained through a certificate from the Business Register at the territorially competent Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture (CCIAA) and registered in the register of artisan businesses referred to in the art. 8 of LR 2 August 2021, n. 19. Companies established on or after 01/01/2023 are considered "new companies". The same, if not yet registered in the Register of artisan businesses (referred to in art. 8 of LR 2 August 2021, n. 19) at the time of submission of the application to participate in the tender, are required to register within and no later than 30 days from the decree granting the contribution.
What does it predict
Following the positive examination of the reporting of expenses incurred and reported, the contribution is paid in a single balance. The Marche Region will normally arrange for the payment of the contribution by the 80th day following the date of sending the request for payment and the supporting documentation of expenditure, compatibly with the completion of the activities related to accounting obligations, after checking the technical report of the interventions, the financial reporting on the Sigef platform, the regular contributions of the beneficiary company and the expenditure certification documentation certifying the final realization of the project. The contributions are paid based on the expenses actually incurred (receipts) by the beneficiaries for the implementation of the project. The following types of expenditure are eligible: 1) expenses for building/building works and systems (electrical, anti-intrusion, water-sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems, digital connections). Ordinary and extraordinary renovation costs are permitted on properties owned or leased for several years, with the exception of loan for use; on the same properties and always in the context of the extraordinary restructuring, expenses relating to expansion works of the property are also permitted, to a maximum extent of 20% of the surface area of the existing headquarters. 2) expenses for machinery and related systems, hardware, equipment , 3D printers and cutting plotters, scanners and lasers. This includes expenses relating to the transport and installation of machinery; 3) expenses for intangible investments (purchase or registration of patents, trademarks, models, designs, licenses, know-how, computer programs, management and professional software and other digital business applications) ; 4) planning and consultancy costs (with the exception of consultancy for the presentation and management of the application for participation) up to a maximum of 20% of the costs referred to in points 1), 2), 3); 5) general costs ( in a flat rate of 7% of the eligible expenses referred to in points 1), 2) and 3).