The call of the Sicilian Region aims to strengthen the ability to research and innovate on the territory by financing projects capable of creating new research infrastructures (IR) and test and experimentation infrastructures (IPS); modernize existing ones; Connect Sicilian infrastructures with national and European networks.
Who is it aimed at?
Research, public or private bodies falling within one of the following conditions:
partner of a research infrastructure included in the Esfri Road Map;
leader of a research infrastructure identified by the National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR) 2021-2027.
Research, public or private organisms in partnership with previous research bodies.
SMEs, only in partnership with a research body
What does it predict
Mix of contribution to the systems and spending on the basis of a ranking evaluation procedure. The intensity of help granted are:
- 50% of the eligible costs for the creation of new research infrastructures (IR) and/or modernization of already existing ones;
- 25% of the eligible costs for the creation of new experimentation infrastructures (IPS) and/or modernization of already existing ones;
- 50% of the eligible costs for industrial research projects strictly aimed at the creation and/or modernization project of IR/IPS.
For subjects who mainly carry out non -economic activities, aid can be granted equal to 80% of the total eligible costs.