The municipal administration deems it appropriate to support newsstands through incentives aimed at ensuring and increasing the press sales network also in terms of opening times and days and expansion of the services offered to citizens. The Municipality of the City of Chiusi, with this notice, participates in the method of disbursement of the non-refundable economic incentive provided for by the guidelines established by the Municipal Council with resolution no. 46 of 03/01/2024 entitled "Guidelines regarding the adoption of a public notice aimed at supporting newsstands for the year 2024"
Who is it aimed at?
Exclusive points of sale of the daily and periodical press pursuant to regional law no. can benefit from the economic contribution. 62 of 11/23/2018, art. 28, paragraph 1, letter a) and non-exclusive sales points of the daily and periodical press pursuant to regional law no. 62 of 11/23/2018, art. 28, paragraph 1, letter b), duly authorized and carrying out activities. Non-exclusive sales points of medium and large sales structures referred to in the art. are excluded. 28, paragraph 1. Letter d), of regional law no. 62 of 11/23/2018; The activities must have their operational headquarters in the Municipality of Chiusi and carry out the activity regularly.
What does it predict
The provision of a contribution of 450 euros