The notice is aimed at strengthening the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs. The Calabria Region intends to accompany the regional production system in the introduction of product and process innovations, as well as in organizational, management and commercial structures; in the implementation of "circular" production models; in the digitalisation processes of business management. The reference sector of intervention for this Notice is identified in code 024: Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including management, marketing and design services). The interventions for which help is requested must be attributable to one or more of the following lines/types of intervention: Line A) Ecological transition: acquisition of consultancy services aimed at the creation of new products, processes or services or at the significant improvement of existing products, processes or services and the productive reconversion of economic activities in the context of the circular economy, corporate sustainability Line B) Digital transition: acquisition of consultancy services aimed at the introduction of innovation processes, technological and digital transformation of companies and the adoption of new organizational models to significantly improve and innovate the management, financial and commercial processes of companies. The eligible expenses are the following: a) Expenses for advanced and qualified consultancy services b) Costs for obtaining certifications and/or certificates of conformity
Who is it aimed at?
The Notice is addressed to Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (as defined in Commission Recommendation C(2003) 1422 of 6 May 2003). Economic entities can participate individually or collectively in temporary business associations (ATI) or special-purpose associations (ATS) or business networks or consortia.
What does it predict
The Notice provides for the granting of an incentive in the form of a capital contribution, on the basis of a one-stop evaluation procedure. The aid is granted in accordance with the provisions of Art. 18 of Reg. 651/2014. The aid intensity will be equal to 50% of the eligible expenses up to the maximum contribution amount of €100,000.00