With this announcement, the Valle d'Aosta Region regulates the implementation of the interventions envisaged in the 2014-2022 Rural Development Program in relation to measure 16 "cooperation", sub-measure 16.6, which provides for "support for supply chain cooperation sustainable biomass to be used in energy production", with the aim of enhancing and harmonizing the forest-wood-energy chain by coordinating the various components, currently fragmented and not networked, in order to qualitatively and quantitatively improve the forest resource and the product regional wood, also for energy purposes.
Who is it aimed at?
Public and private entities interested in establishing aggregations for the creation of supply chains for the use of biomass from the agricultural or forestry sectors are eligible to apply and benefit from the support.
What does it predict
With these loans the aim is to promote cooperation between the various operators in the forestry sector, both public and private, in particular forestry companies, operators dealing with marketing and first transformation and final consumers including users of forestry biomass at energy purposes, particularly encouraging joint work processes and actions related to the production of energy from biomass and encouraging local forestry activities related to the development of the short supply chain. It is intended to finance projects that aim to support the start-up of the supply chains courts with a view to long-lasting and sustainable cooperation, in order to make the recovery of company biomass or biomass deriving from silvicultural practices (and possibly urban greenery) economically and environmentally sustainable, as well as any treatment for their destination for energy purposes .