The Call is aimed at encouraging investments in the activities of micro-enterprises in the trade for growth, employment and sustainable development in rural areas and also contributes to improving territorial balance, both in economic and social terms, with positive repercussions in rural areas of the Arezzo Apennines LAG. References: Arezzo Apennines GAL Measure 19.2 – Sub-measure 6.4.4.
Who is it aimed at?
The announcement is aimed at micro-enterprises (as defined in accordance with Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC of 6.5.2003) in the Commerce sector or businesses in the regional distribution system regulated by the Commercial Code (ex LR 7 February 2005 n. 28 et seq. .mm.ii.) who carry out retail sales of food products, restaurants and bars and are registered in the Business Register of the Chamber of Commerce.
What does it predict
Investments aimed at improving commercial activities are financed, including those relating to the removal of architectural barriers and the improvement of energy and water efficiency and the reduction of environmental impact. The expected contribution rate for all investments, including general expenses, is 40% of eligible costs. The maximum amount of public contribution that can be granted for each application cannot exceed €25,000. Applications for aid with a minimum contribution requested/granted of less than €3,000 are not accepted.