The Notice is aimed at the presentation, by consortia and SMEs operating in the Aerospace, Automotive, Rail and Naval sectors, having at least one operational headquarters in Campania, of expressions of interest in participating in the fifth edition of the World Metrology Day Event, event dedicated to Dimensional Testing, Quality Control, Automation, Industry 4.0, 3D Printing and Machine Tools, aimed mainly at companies in the Aeronautics, Automotive, Railway and Naval sectors, scheduled in Naples from 23 to 25 May 2024 at the Idis Foundation - City of Science. The Campania Region, through support for participation in the event and use of the stands, in the exercise of its institutional functions, intends to promote and disseminate the skills of the Campania aeronautical, automotive, railway and naval sectors, strengthen the related production processes through the valorization of the entire R&I process chain, encourage the creation of interregional, cross-border or transnational cooperation projects or networks and represent a point of reference and assistance for all Campania companies present at the event.
Who is it aimed at?
SMEs, as classified in Annex I of Regulation (EU) no., can apply to participate in this Notice. 2014/651, in single or associated form in Consortia, Consortium Companies or Business Networks with legal personality (subject Networks), defined pursuant to paragraphs 4-ter and 4-quater of the art. 3 of Legislative Decree no. 5 of 10 February 2009, converted, with amendments, into Law no. 33 of 09 April 2009 and subsequent amendments. At the time of submitting the expression of interest, the proposing SMEs must possess the following requirements: - be regularly registered in the Business Register of the Chamber of Commerce competent for the territory; - have at least one active operational headquarters in Campania; - procedure for the declaration of one of the the aforementioned situations; - have the capacity to contract or not have been subject to a disqualification sanction or other sanction that entails the prohibition of contracting with the Public Administration; - not have Directors and/or Legal Representatives who have been convicted with a final judgment or against whom a criminal conviction decree has been issued which has become irrevocable or a sentence applying the penalty upon request, pursuant to art. 444 cpp, for serious crimes to the detriment of the State or the Community which affect professional morality (in any case, conviction, with a final sentence, for crimes of participation in a criminal organisation, corruption, fraud, money laundering is a cause for exclusion); - not have Directors and/or Legal Representatives who have been guilty of false declarations in relations with the Public Administration. For the purposes of participation in this Notice, the Consortia, Consortium Companies and Networks must be made up of a minimum number of three SMEs having at least one operational headquarters within the regional territory and an economic activity consistent with the sectors of the 'Aerospace, Automotive, Rail and Naval.
What does it predict
The regional Administration, as part of the aforementioned event, will make available: a) a collective exhibition space and the related set-up, b) an assistance service during the fair and three passes per company, participation in all conferences and workshops, free access to the B2B platform with an agenda of pre-planned meetings, by connecting to the following link For companies admitted to the benefits referred to in this Notice, the set of services provided for participation in the fair will be classified as non-financial support and the related equivalent, granted pursuant to Regulation (EU) no. 2023/2831 “de minimis”, will be registered in the National Aid Register (RNA).