Roma Arte in Nuvola 2023 – Expressions of interest

April 11, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund






0 €





October 26, 2023
November 3, 2023


No additional notes


The Lazio Region, through the implementing body Lazio Innova, and the Rome Chamber of Commerce, with the support of the Special Development and Territory Agency, within the framework of the Agreement for joint participation in initiatives and trade fairs, referred to in DGR no. . 177 of 12/05/2023, with the aim of supporting the regional economic fabric, promote the participation of 6 art galleries from Lazio, in the third edition of Arte In Nuvola, which will take place in Rome at the Roma La Nuvola Congress Center from 24 to 26 November 2023. The six selected art galleries will have their own stand of 14 m2 each set up as follows: perimeter setup with approved fireproof panels in white electrical system (lighting spotlights and electrical socket) exhibitor plaque with fund logo pad European Cohesion Italia 21/27 and Chamber of Commerce of Rome 1 table, 2 chairs, 1 waste paper bin insurance, all risk insurance of the works for a total value of € 100,000.00 unloading service of the works and accompaniment to the stand storage of the packaging of the works at the deputy warehousetechnical assistance for the entire duration of the eventpresence on the event website1 exhibitor pass for each company10 free tickets for each company1 VIP card for each company. 

Who is it aimed at?

The opportunity to take part in Arte in Nuvola 2023 is reserved for companies in possession of the following requirements: - registered and/or operational headquarters in the Lazio Region; - coherence of the company's activity with the economic sector or sectors to which the event is revolt; - be MSMEs, as classified in Annex I of Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014, in single or associated form in Consortia, Consortium Companies or Business Networks with legal personality (subject Networks), defined pursuant to paragraphs 4-ter and 4-quater of the art. 3 of Legislative Decree no. 5 of 10 February 2009, converted, with amendments, into Law no. 33 of 09 April 2009 and subsequent amendments, at the time of submitting the expression of interest; - be duly registered in the Company Register of the Chamber of Commerce competent for the territory and in good standing, at the time of submitting the expression of interest or in any case by the deadlines for submitting the same, with the payment of the annual fee and with the declaration of the activity carried out; carry out, in relation to the Lazio headquarters, an economic activity consistent with the sector; not be the beneficiary of public benefits relating to participation to the trade fair in question nor have submitted applications for relief to participate in the same event; be in the full and free exercise of their rights, active and not be subjected or have been subjected, in the previous five years, to voluntary liquidation or compulsory liquidation procedures , bankruptcy, composition with creditors (with the exception of composition with creditors with business continuity) and any other insolvency procedure nor have proceedings underway for the declaration of one of the aforementioned situations; possess the capacity to contract or have not been subject to a disqualification or other sanction which entails the prohibition of contracting with the Public Administration; not having Directors and/or Legal Representatives who have been convicted with a final sentence or against whom a criminal decree of conviction has been issued which has become irrevocable or a sentence for the application of the sentence upon request, pursuant to art. 444 cpp, for serious crimes to the detriment of the State or the Community which affect professional morality (in any case, conviction, with a final sentence, for crimes of participation in a criminal organisation, corruption, fraud, money laundering is a cause for exclusion); not have Directors and/or Legal Representatives who have been guilty of false declarations in relations with the Public Administration; be up to date with the payment of social security and welfare contributions, ascertainable by acquiring the DURC, or not be subject to obligations regarding regularity contributory and, therefore, not being required to register with any social security or welfare institution.

What does it predict

The six selected art galleries will have their own stand of 14 m2 each, set up as follows: - perimeter setup with approved fireproof panels in white - electrical system (lighting spotlights and electrical socket) - display plaque with European Cohesion Funds logo pad Italia 21/27 and Chamber of Commerce of Rome - 1 table, 2 chairs, 1 wastepaper basket - RC insurance, all risk insurance of the works for a total value of €100,000.00 - unloading service of the works and accompaniment to the storage stand of the packaging of the works at the designated warehouse - technical assistance for the entire duration of the event - presence on the event website - 1 exhibitor pass for each company - 10 free tickets for each company - 1 VIP card for each company.

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

0 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

7500 €

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted

0 €

Maximum grantable benefit

7500 €
Subject type
Enterprise - Innovative SU/SME


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector



All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;





Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

Lazio Innova Spa

Primary regulatory basis

Acknowledgment of Decision C (2022) 7883 of 26 October 2022 of the European Commission approving the PR Lazio ERDF Regional Program 2021-2027
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Acknowledgment of Decision C (2022) 7883 of 26 October 2022 of the European Commission approving the PR Lazio ERDF Regional Program 2021-2027

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

61500 €

Reference site

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