The measure "Ri.circo.lo. Step - Circular resources in Lombardy "intends to promote the development or manufacture of critical technologies, as defined by the EU Reg. 2024/795, by small, medium and large Lombard companies, in single or aggregate form, to achieve the reduction of strategic dependencies on critical raw materials and better waste management in the contribution and batteries and phosphorus chains, in line with the provisions of the "Critical Raw Material Act" (EU Reg. 2024/1252), as well as with the indications of the current regional waste management program and developments of the work on the "batteries and photovoltaic" tables and "purification sludge" of the regional climate observatory, circular economy and ecological transition.
Who is it aimed at?
The large and medium-sized enterprises, including start-ups and innovative SMEs, in a single or aggregate form, which have the following requirements may apply for participation in the measure:
- are regularly constituted, registered and active in the business register;
- have single -form or aggregation projects; Persons who are not small, medium and large companies can also participate in the aggregation, but these subjects cannot be in any way beneficiaries of contributions and the expenses that may be incurred will not be considered admissible to the contribution;
- carry out interventions within one or more operating offices located on the Lombardy territory active to the submission of the application or activated no later than the request for disbursement of the balance;
- do not fall within the specific cases of exclusion pursuant to art. 7 paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) n. 2021/1058;
- If the regime ex regulation (EU) 2831/2023 are applied, do not fall within the specific exclusions referred to in art. 1 par. 1 and 2 of Regulation (EU) n. 2831/2023 and SMI; According to the specifications indicated in the "Help regime" section;
- If the regime ex regulation (EU) 651/2014 are applied, do not fall within the specific exclusions referred to in art.1 of Regulation (EU) 651/2014 according to the specifications indicated in the "Help regime" section.
The facility is not granted:
- to companies in difficulty, according to the definition referred to in art. 2 point 18, of Regulation (EU) n. 651/2014;
- to companies operating in the excluded sectors referred to in art. 1 paragraphs 2, 3 and 5 of Regulation (EU) n. 651/2014;
What does it predict
The contribution is freely and will be granted and paid up to 40% of the eligible expenses and up to a maximum amount of € 7,500,000.00, net of VAT, for each individual project.
The percentage of financing can be increased to 50% for small and medium -sized enterprises.