The Notice aims to finance collaborative research projects between companies and research organisations, attributable to the Industrial Research and Experimental Development lines of intervention to support the implementation of technological supply chains with a high knowledge value, starting from the new articulation for innovation supply chains of S3 SMART PUGLIA 2030 (Sustainable Manufacturing, Human and Environmental Health, Creative and Inclusive Digital Communities).
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries of the aid are companies (large, medium and small-micro) and research organisations. The beneficiary entities must be organized in a network, through one of the following legal forms of grouping: Temporary Associations of Purpose (ATS), Network Contracts, Consortium or Consortium Company. Freelancers can also benefit from the benefits, as they are treated as small and medium-sized enterprises as operators of economic activities.
What does it predict
The Puglia Region encourages, through this Notice, the implementation of collaborative research projects between companies and research organizations related to the lines of intervention: Industrial Research (RI); Experimental Development (SS).