The Campania Region supports, with Regional Law 28 December 2023, n. 24, the development of a project relating to the "Campania Goldsmith District", which has the objective, among others, of supporting the creation of networks between companies, also through the provision of contributions. Consistent with the purposes set out in the aforementioned law no. 24/2023, with this Notice, the Campania Region intends to encourage the establishment, consolidation and valorisation of a Network of Campania companies in the gold sector.
Who is it aimed at?
The intervention is aimed at business networks (contract network or individual network) operating in the gold sector, established or to be established by the expiry date of this Notice, pursuant to art. 3 paragraph 4-ter of Legislative Decree 10 February 2009, n.5, converted with amendments by Law 9 April 2009, n.33, and subsequent amendments.
What does it predict
The activity plan must be expressed in initiatives consistent with the aim of promoting the gold sector referred to in Regional Law no. 24/2023, as well as with the objectives of the Network contract. In particular, the activity plan must pursue objectives attributable, even in part, to the following strategic objectives: a) innovation of the sector, also through the implementation of activities aimed at research on processed materials , to the generation of new knowledge to be transferred to the production chain and to the development of creative design through the study of new lines and styles to be implemented in synergy with institutional, cultural, productive, service, training and research realities, while enhancing the cultural heritage and historical; b) raising the competitive capacity of the participating companies, that is, the ability to penetrate the national and international market, also through adequate communication/marketing activities aimed at valorising "made in Campania" products; c) development of training opportunities responding to the needs of the sector to increase employment, also through the creation of a goldsmith sector Academy and/or the financing of scholarships to be activated in the goldsmith sector training schools present in the area; d) organization of scientific dissemination spaces in collaboration with universities and research centers on innovative technologies and the protection of quality design and craftsmanship; e) attraction of investments for the sustainable and innovative development of the sector.