Through this Action, the Veneto Region intends to support new district heating/district cooling networks and/or the modernization and expansion of existing systems, created in the territorial areas of the Internal Areas envisaged by the Veneto Region's adhesion to the National Strategy for the Areas internal
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries of the contribution are micro, small, medium and large enterprises (including non-profit cooperatives), Public Administrations limited to: Municipalities, Unions of Municipalities referred to in LR no. 18/2012, Unioni Montane pursuant to LR n. 40/2012, Municipalities leading agreements with other Municipalities stipulated by the date of submission of the application in compliance with art. 5 of LR n. 18/2012, Provinces
What does it predict
The minimum value of the interventions, with reference to the expenses deemed eligible by this notice, must be equal to one hundred thousand euros (100,000/00). The relief that can be granted, in the form of a non-repayable contribution, up to a maximum limit of 2,500,000 euros, is equal to 45% of the eligible expenditure for the implementation of the project and can be increased by 20 percentage points if granted to small businesses and by 10 percentage points for aid granted to medium-sized enterprises. Maximum project duration deadline 31/12/2026. Possibility to present advance payment and deposit.