Fund aimed at granting interest and capital contributions to artisan businesses in the Calabria Region, in order to promote and relaunch Calabrian craftsmanship by supporting innovation and structural and technological modernization interventions of artisan businesses also in terms of environmental sustainability.
Who is it aimed at?
Artisan businesses based in Calabria, also established in the form of a cooperative or consortium, registered in the registers referred to in Law 443/85, can benefit from the relief measures.
What does it predict
The concessions consist of:1. in the granting of an interest contribution, to be recognized in a discounted form for the entire duration of the loan granted by banking institutions; 2. in the partial reimbursement of the cost of the guarantee issued by the Consortia;3. in a capital contribution within the limit of 65% calculated on the investment expenses envisaged by the Regulation. The following interventions can be financed: a) the modernisation, restructuring and expansion of the premises in which the company's activity takes place; b) redevelopment and environmental sustainability such as: c) the implementation of interventions to encourage company strengthening processes , product and process innovation, in order to increase and qualify production capacity and competitiveness on the reference markets; d) the requalification of the activity in terms of environmental sustainability; e) investments aimed at improving the levels of safety in the workplace also through information security and remote control.