The Measure intends to facilitate and support the strengthening of production chains and regional industrial ecosystems in global value chains to increase, also in line with the EU industrial strategy, the innovation, production and investment capacity of companies, in particular SMEs. Specifically, the Measure concerns innovation, technological improvement and competitive strengthening of industrial supply chains and ecosystems, as well as support for the establishment and development of new supply chains through the implementation of supply chain projects, also integrated with experimental development activities carried out by a large company forming part of the grouping of companies.
Who is it aimed at?
Supply Chains represented by groupings of companies linked together by a Supply Chain Agreement composed of at least 5 companies of any size, mostly SMEs pursuant to Annex 1 of the GBER Regulation, which have the following requirements, can apply to participate in this Measure. :a) are duly established, registered and active in the Company Register (as resulting from the Chamber of Commerce certificate) on the date of submission of the application for participation in the implementation tender; b) have one or more operational offices, the subject of the intervention, in Lombardy ( detectable in the Chamber of Commerce certificate) on the date of submission of the application for participation in the implementation tender or who intend to establish an operational headquarters in Lombardy by the signing of the facilitation contract or in the case of large companies at the time of submission of the reporting for the disbursement of the contribution .
What does it predict
The relief for SMEs and Mid Caps consists of: - a subsidized rate loan, covering up to 60% of the investment; - a non-repayable contribution up to a maximum of 10% of the investment depending on the scheme of applied help. The benefit in the form of a Contribution will, in any case, be granted up to the maximum aid intensity that can be granted by the aid regime applied (understood as the sum of the Contribution and the GSE relating to the subsidized rate financing) without this an increase in the percentage of financing.