The measure intends to promote technology transfer by encouraging and consolidating the collaboration between SMEs and research bodies that operate in favor of the transformation of new ideas into sustainable products and services from a commercial point of view by offering companies advanced services in response to their research and innovation .
Who is it aimed at?
SMEs who, at the time of submitting the application for participation in the implementing notice, are in possession of the following requirements:
- are regularly constituted, registered and declared active in the register of companies (as resulting from chamber view); Simple companies that do not carry out commercial activities are excluded; Companies non -residents in the Italian territory must be established according to the rules of civil and commercial law in force in the state of residence and registered in the analogous register of companies where existing;
- They have an operational headquarters in Lombardy at the time of acceptance of the facility (detectable by chamber view) that benefits from the results of the project.
What does it predict
The concession is granted and disbursed in the form of a non -refundable contribution. The concession granted has a fixed amount of 30,000 euros against a minimum investment of 50,000 euros.