The Chamber of Commerce of Padua, by will of its Committee for Female Entrepreneurship, announces prizes for the establishment of female businesses or for the development of female businesses established no more than 24 months ago, with the aim of spreading the entrepreneurial culture, promote the growth and development of the entrepreneurial reality and employment in Padua and its province (Chamber Council resolution no. 79 of 4 June 2024).
Who is it aimed at?
The following can participate in the prize: single women or groups of women who are not yet entrepreneurs and female businesses (individual or company) established less than 24 months ago; of any age; residents or with headquarters (if newly established businesses) in the province of Padua; who intend to to start or have already started (if companies are already newly established) an entrepreneurial activity in the province of Padua. In the case of participation of female businesses established less than 24 months ago, they are considered female businesses, according to the definition proposed by the Entrepreneurship Observatory Unioncamere - Infocamere, companies that fall into one of the following categories: individual businesses managed by women; cooperative companies, partnerships made up of no less than 50% by women; joint-stock companies whose shareholdings are not less than 50% women and whose administrative bodies are made up of at least 50% women.
What does it predict
The financial allocation foreseen for this intervention is €10,000.00. The facilitation consists in the provision of a real service (training, assistance, coaching), which will not be provided against an expense incurred by future entrepreneurs or already established businesses. the tender provides support for the two winning proposals, one for future female entrepreneurs and one for newly established female businesses: for future businesses, a training activity is planned for 6 months for the creation of the business plan to think from a strategic and economic validity of the business project; for newly established companies, the 4-month entrepreneurs academy course is envisaged which will involve the entire team or the most strategic top figures of the company. The path includes 6 meetings: the first meeting will be a starting design thinking to work on the team and bring out the needs. Subsequently the company, supported by specially selected experts, will identify the main areas on which it wishes to be trained. The training activities will take place in the form of practical and laboratory workshops to allow the company to train and simultaneously work on the company strategy; The prizes consist of: for the first five classified as business ideas and/or ideas from already established companies , three-day intensive training in business startups in September 2024, for the preparation of the final presentation; for the idea of a future winning company, six-month incubation to assist in the drafting of a business plan that defines the the business idea and its economic sustainability; for the business idea that has already existed for no more than 24 months, a four-month training period to work on the company strategy with the entire team or the most strategic top figures of the company. Estimated value €4,000.00. This training intervention aimed at already established companies will be granted pursuant to the general EU de minimis Reg. 2831/2023