The notice falls within the scope of the provisions of the Plan for lifelong learning for adults in Friuli Venezia Giulia "We learn @ we work in FVG". It involves the implementation of training courses aimed at realigning skills to cope with the transformations taking place in organizational business models and focuses particular attention on the issues of process and product innovation as a result of digitalisation, internationalisation, smart working, the development of circular economy models, the environmental themes of the European Green Deal, social innovation, the blue, green and silver economy, and creative and cultural businesses. The training courses will be contained in two training catalogues, while a part will be presented over the counter based on the specialized needs of companies.
Who is it aimed at?
The recipients of the interventions must work in operational units located in the Region and are made up of: - workers with a regular employment contract, - business owners or members of the Board of Directors if in possession of a regular employment contract, - members of cooperatives, - self-employed workers.
What does it predict
The operations consist of two catalogs and specialist projects presented based on the needs of the companies. Catalog A concerns interventions aimed at the acquisition of basic and intermediate level digital skills as set out in the AGID document "Guidelines for the quality of digital skills". A catalog B covers the topics of innovation and the European Green Deal, green economy, blue economy and silver economy, social innovation and creative and cultural enterprises. The projects presented based on the specialized needs of companies will develop digital skills corresponding to the advanced and highly specialized level of the aforementioned AGID document and highly specialized topics such that they cannot be included in the catalogues.