The instrument, which promotes access to credit for the commercial sector and for catering and accommodation services, operates within the PR FESR Liguria 2021-2027, Specific Objectives 1.3 "Strengthening sustainable growth, the competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of jobs in SMEs, including through productive investments", with a budget of 13 and a half million and 2.1 "Promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions", with a budget of 6 million.
Who is it aimed at?
The relief interventions are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized commercial enterprises (single or associated) and catering and accommodation services registered in the Business Register
What does it predict
The instrument operates through a mix of four combined forms of relief: – reinsurance (the release of reinsurance of exposures guaranteed by collective credit guarantee consortia Confidi), – rebate of guarantee commissions, – contributions for the reduction of interest costs, - non-repayable contributions.