The instrument operates within the PR FESR Liguria 2021 – 2027, Specific Objectives 1.3 “Strengthening sustainable growth, the competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of jobs in SMEs, also through productive investments”, with a budget of 13 million and a half and 2.1 “Promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions” with a budget of 6 million.
Who is it aimed at?
the facilitation intervention is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized artisan businesses, in single or associated form (cooperative or consortium form), registered in the register referred to in regional law no. 3/2003 or registered in the Business Register, provided that they obtain registration in the aforementioned register within 12 months from the date of submission of the subsidy application.
What does it predict
The instrument operates through a mix of four combined forms of relief: – reinsurance (the release of reinsurance of exposures guaranteed by collective credit guarantee consortia Confidi), – guarantee commission rebate, – contributions for the reduction of interest costs, – contributions at a loss.