In the context of the "Digital Europe Programme", in support of the digital transformation of European societies and economies, the construction of a European network of digital innovation hubs (European Digital Innovation Hubs - EDIHs) which will be entrusted with the task of ensuring the digital transition of industry and PA through the adoption of advanced digital technologies: artificial intelligence, high performance computing and cybersecurity.
Who is it aimed at?
Digital innovation hubs that meet the following requirements can access the pre-selection process: • include at least one research and technology transfer organisation; • have a user base of businesses and/or public administration, which they undertake to maintain for the entire duration of the plan, in at least one geographical area of reference. Centers with a national catchment area that have a high specialization in one or more of the advanced technologies and undertake to set themselves up in the form of a consortium/consortium company, a temporary grouping, before the granting of European and national benefits can also apply.
What does it predict
The benefits consist of a spending contribution made up of a European share and a national share made available by the member state. Both the national and European share cannot exceed 50% of the eligible costs. The European share is classified as aid.