MAD - Management Advisor srl

Piedmont Film Found

What you need to know

The Piedmont Region's call is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises for the development of audiovisual, cinematographic and television productions in the regional territory.

The Call supports companies operating in the audiovisual, cinematographic and television production sector, with the aim of encouraging the attraction and increase of investments suitable for developing related industries and employment through:

to. the establishment of new businesses in the regional territory;

b. the consolidation of investments - relating to new productions - of companies present in the area in terms of competitiveness and growth to encourage the full and qualified use of available regional infrastructures.

Eligible subjects

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises established for no less than two years and with at least two financial statements filed;
  • who have a registered office - Local unit in Piedmont or declare a commitment to the opening of at least one local unit in Piedmont
  • that they are independent producers
  • who are sole producers or co-producers of the audiovisual work that constitutes the investment or have an executive production contract with the production company of the audiovisual work;
  • who operate mainly in the sector of "Film, video and television program production activities" (ATECO code 2007 J 59.11, NACE code J 59.11 or non-European equivalent). Companies that have a Chamber of Commerce code ATECO 59.11, even non-primary ones, are admitted, as long as their CV highlights a suitable film production activity; legally binding for the start of audiovisual production works in Piedmont;
  • not be trust companies or companies whose members include trust companies, except in the case in which the trust company provides evidence of all the trustees of the same, providing adequate and proving documentation in this regard.

What it finances

The financeable projects concern the following works:

  • fiction feature films, mainly for cinematographic exploitation;
  • animated feature films with a minimum duration of 52 minutes, mainly for cinematographic exploitation;
  • individual television and web fiction works, mainly intended for television broadcast, including SVOD;
  • single television and web animation works with a minimum duration of 24 minutes, mainly intended for television broadcast, including SVOD;
  • television and web serial fiction works, mainly intended for television broadcast, including SVOD;
  • television and web serial animation works with a minimum duration of 24 minutes, mainly intended for television broadcast, including SVOD.

The non-repayable contribution cannot in any case be: less than Euro 50,000.00; exceeding Euro 150,000.00 for single television and web animation works; exceeding Euro 300,000.00 for feature films and single television and web fiction works; exceeding Euro 400,000.00 for animated feature films, serial, television and web animation works and serial, television and web fiction works.

by 12.00 on 18/03/2024 for the first session. For the second session from 9.00 on 02/09/2024 to 12.00 on 10/10/2024.

Photo by Noom Peerapong on Unsplash

Who is it aimed at?

Small businesses, Medium businesses, SMEs


Contribution/Repayable fund


October 10, 2024


September 2, 2024

Geographic area



Audiovisual and radio

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