The call promotes the adoption of flexible working methods and work-life balance welfare measures in order to support women's participation in the world of work and facilitate co-responsibility in care tasks and co-finances work-life balance measures intended for workers with subordinate employment contracts, with supply contracts, with apprenticeship contracts, members of cooperatives, coordinated and continuous collaborators and collaborators, trainees.
Who is it aimed at?
The announcement is aimed at employers (companies, bodies, associations, freelancers and in general all employers with the exclusion of natural persons as domestic employers) with at least one employee and having the headquarters affected by the Plan conciliation welfare located in Tuscany.
What does it predict
As better specified in the art. 4, the call finances the following types of actions:1. definition of the conciliation welfare plan;2. implementation of the measures envisaged in the plan (hourly and/or organizational flexibility and/or conciliation welfare services for the care or assistance of the elderly or non-self-sufficient family members; 3. establishment of a territorial or inter-company welfare network to support of conciliation; 4. drafting of a UNI/PDR 125:2022 strategic plan.