Participation of companies from the Marche region in World Architectour Africa 2024

April 16, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Construction, Furniture, Wood and Paper


0 €





April 4, 2024
May 28, 2024


October 4, 2024


The Marche Chamber of Commerce, together with the Marche Region and within the framework of the 2024 Agreement between the Region and the Chamber of Commerce, organizes the collective participation of companies from the Marche region in the furniture and furnishing sectors in the next edition of "World Architectour Africa", scheduled in Padua l '11 and 12 July 2024. The fourth edition of the event, developed in the form of B2B meetings organized at exhibition stands, is expected to involve around 50 Italian companies. The meetings between African companies and operators and/or those operating in Africa, organized on the basis of the specific interest of the exhibitors, numbered over 1,000 in the last edition and generated commercial agreements and contracts. Following the success of the 2023 event, the organizers have rescheduled the event for 2024 with the same format, expecting the participation of 60 international buyers from the 15 most important countries on the African continent. All appointments, lasting approximately 30 minutes, take place in pre-arranged stands, where it will be possible to present a sampling of your product.

Who is it aimed at?

The notice is aimed at SMEs in the Marche region of contract design furniture.

What does it predict

Each company is provided with a pre-fitted stand of approx. 24 and the participation fee expected to be paid by the company is Euro 3,900 plus VAT if due, already reduced overall by approximately 50% (this benefit will be considered aid under the "de minimis" regime, pursuant to EU Regulation no. 2023/2831 of the European Commission of 13 December 2023 and subsequent amendments.)

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

0 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

3.600 €

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted

0 €

Maximum grantable benefit

3.600 €
Subject type
Consortium, Company


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Construction, Furniture, Wood and Paper


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;




Aquacanine; Acqualagna; Acquasanta Terme; Acquaviva Picena; Agugliano; Altidona; Loving her; Ancona; Apecchio; Apiro; Appignano; Appignano del Tronto; Arcevia; Arquata del Tronto; Ascoli Piceno; Auditor; Barbara; Barchi; Belforte all'Isauro; Belforte del Chienti; Belmonte Piceno; Belvedere Ostrense; Bolognola; Borgo Pace; Rennet; Caldarola; Camerano; Camerata Picena; Dressing room; Campofilone; Camporotondo of Fiastrone; Cantiano; Carassai; Carpegna; Cartoceto; Lama Castle; Castelbellino; Castelfidardo; Castelleone di Suasa; Castelplanio; Castelraimondo; Castelsantangelo sul Nera; Castignano; Castorano; Cerreto d'Esi; Cessapalombo; Chiaravalle; Tracks; Civitanova Marche; Colli al Metauro; Tronto Hills; Colmurano; Community; Corinaldo; Corridonia; Cossignano; Cupra Marittima; Cupramontana; Hexanatoglia; Fabriano; Falconara Marittima; Falerone; Fano; Fermignano; Stopped; Fiastra; Filottrano; Fiordimonte; Fiuminata; Folignano; Force; Fossombrone; Francavilla d'Ete; Fratte Rosa; Frontinus; Pediment; Gabicce Mare; Gagliole; Genga; Gradara; Grottammare; Grottazzolina; Gualdo; Piano Island; Jesi; Lapedona; Loreto; Loro Piceno; Lunano; Macerata; Macerata Feltria; Magliano di Tenna; Spontini Maiolati; Maltignano; Massa Fermana; Massignano; Matelica; Mercatello sul Metauro; Conca Market; Mergo; Mogliano; Mombaroccio; Mondavio; Mondolfo; Monsampietro Morico; Monsampolo del Tronto; Monsano; Montalto delle Marche; Montappone; Monte Cavallo; Mount Cerignone; Mount Giberto; Monte Grimano Terme; Monte Porzio; Mount Rinaldo; Mount Roberto; Monte San Giusto; Monte San Martino; Mount San Pietrangeli; Monte San Vito; Mount Uranus; Mount Vidon Fights; Monte Vidon Corrado; Montecalvo in Foglia; Montecarotto; Montecassiano; Monteciccardo; Montecopiolo; Montecosaro; Montedinove; Montefalcone Apennines; Montefano; Montefelcino; Montefiore dell'Aso; Montefortino; Montegallo; Montegiorgio; Montegranaro; Montelabbate; Monteleone di Fermo; Montelparo; Montelupone; Montemaggiore al Metauro; Montemarciano; Montemonaco; Monteprandone; Monterubbiano; Montottone; Moorish; Morro d'Alba; Morrovalle; Muccia; Numana; Offagna; Offida; Orciano of Pesaro; Ortezzano; Osimo; Ostra; Ostra Vetere; Palmiano; Pedaso; Peglio; Penna San Giovanni; Pergola; Pesaro; Petrian; Petriolo; Petritoli; Piagge; Piandiappleto; Pietrarubbia; Pieve Torina; Pievebovigliana; Piobbico; Pioraco; Poggio San Marcello; Poggio San Vicino; Pollenza; Polverigi; Ponzano di Fermo; Porto Recanati; Porto San Giorgio; Porto Sant'Elpidio; Potenza Picena; Rapagnano; Recanati; Ripatransone; Ripe San Ginesio; Roccafluvione; Rosora; Wheel; Saltara; San Benedetto del Tronto; San Costanzo; San Ginesio; San Giorgio of Pesaro; San Lorenzo in Campo; San Marcello; San Paolo di Jesi; San Severino Marche; Sant'Angelo in Pontano; Sant'Angelo in Vado; Sant'Elpidio a Mare; Saint Hippolytus; Santa Maria Nuova; Santa Vittoria in Matenano; Sarnano; Sassocorvaro; Sassocorvaro Auditore; Sassofeltrio; Sassoferrato; Sefro; Senigallia; Serra San Quirico; Serra Sant'Abbondio; Serra de' Conti; Serrapetrona; Serravalle di Chienti; Serrungarina; Servigliano; Sirolo; Meryl; Spinetoli; Staffolo; Tavoleto; Tavullia; Terre Roveresche; Tolentino; St. Patrick's Tower; Trecastelli; Treia; Urbania; Urbino; Urbisaglia; Hussite; Valfornace; Vallefoglia; Venarotta; Visso

Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

Marche Chamber of Commerce

Primary regulatory basis

Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure


References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

45.000 €

Reference site

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