Announcement for the reconversion of single-use plastic production cycles

What is it Contribution aimed at companies producing disposable plastic products referred to in the Annex, part A, of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 2021, for the purposes of modifying their production cycles and redesigning components, machines and control instruments towards the production of reusable or alternative products. Who is the announcement aimed at […]

“Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition (NEST)” Project – Spoke 2 – Polytechnic of Bari – Project code PE0000021

What is it Public notice for the presentation of Project Proposals for Research activities carried out within the “Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition (NEST)” Project, Project Code PE0000021, CUP D93C22000900001 financed within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 “Education and research” – Component 2 “From research to business” – Investment 1.3, financed by the European Union – […]

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Sustainability Call – Year 2024 – Chamber of Commerce of Alessandria-Asti

What is it? The call aims to support, with a non-repayable contribution, companies that undertake paths aimed at understanding the level of sustainability of their production processes and activities, identifying intervention priorities and possible operational solutions for a progressive improvement of corporate sustainability performance, operationally apply sustainable policies within […]

Annuality 2022 – Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi – Non-repayable incentives for the start-up of commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities to be located in the municipal area

What is it Concessions available from the resources of the 'Support Fund for marginal municipalities' for the years 2021-2023. The establishment of the fund was arranged in order to promote social cohesion and economic development in the Municipalities particularly affected by depopulation and for which there are significant lacks of attractiveness due to the reduced offer of […]

Call for Job Training Year 2024 - Vicenza Chamber of Commerce

What is it? The Vicenza Chamber of Commerce intends to support the participation of companies in courses aimed at developing, in "non-formal and informal" learning contexts, transversal and orientation skills (PCTO), which allow students to obtain a third-party certification issued by the Chamber. The law specifically assigns to the Chambers of Commerce […]

“IFTM” Paris 2024 trade fair event – ​​Indirect help for the costs of purchasing, setting up and services related to participation – Sicilian Region

What is it Notice aimed at supporting the competitiveness of Sicilian businesses. Who is it aimed at? The initiative is aimed at operators in the tourism sector in the form of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with registered office or local production unit in the regional territory. What it involves Support for the acquisition of services linked to participation in stock exchanges and fairs […]

Digital Agriculture innovation hub – Assessment services – Coldiretti hub

What is it? The Hub, set up as a Hub & Spoke, provides small agricultural businesses with the digital maturity assessment service (FA First Assessment) and orientation (PA Post Assessment). Who is it aimed at? The services are aimed at small agricultural businesses. What it involves It will provide the service in 2 distinct phases: the 1st […]

Support for projects to validate innovative ideas and technologies - Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region

What is it? The initiative is aimed at financing industrial research and experimental development projects that envisage the achievement of a TRL 6,7 or 8 (TRL 6: demonstration of the technology in the relevant environment; TRL 7: demonstration of the technology in the relevant environment operational; TRL 8: complete and qualified system). Who is it aimed at? The beneficiaries of the contributions are: a) micro, small, […]

Municipality of Frascarolo - Announcement for the provision of extraordinary non-repayable contributions for small and micro businesses in the municipal area aimed at containing the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic

What is it Notice for the provision of extraordinary non-refundable contributions for small and micro businesses in the municipal area aimed at containing the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. Who is it aimed at? The call is aimed at micro and small businesses most exposed to the economic effects linked to the Coronavirus pandemic and the contingent mandatory closures or limitations […]