Resource integration - Notice for the provision of a non-repayable contribution to support retail sales activities in fixed locations of the Municipality of Terre del Reno - 2024

What is it Implementation of resources based on the notice aimed at supporting activities open to the public in the Terre del Reno area which carry out retail sales of products. Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at individuals carrying out business activities who, at the date of submission of the application and that of payment of the contribution, have […]

NOTICE for the granting of vouchers to MSMEs in the tourism sector for the removal of architectural barriers. De minimis regime Year 2024

What is it The measure assigns non-repayable contributions to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism sector aimed at supporting the costs of overcoming and eliminating architectural barriers. Who is it aimed at? Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourism sector registered with the South East Sicily Chamber of Commerce. Every business can […]

Notice of Health and Safety in the workplace - Chamber of Commerce of South East Sicily

What is it? The tender provides for the assignment of a voucher for the implementation of interventions aimed at promoting the improvement of the health and safety of workers. Expenses relating to the implementation of projects aimed at improving the health and safety of workers are eligible, through staff training on workplace safety. In particular […]

Announcement for the recognition of economic contribution to support the establishment of Renewable Energy Communities – Como-Lecco Chamber of Commerce

What is it The initiative is aimed at supporting the establishment of new Renewable Energy Communities (CER) between companies with the assignment of a non-repayable contribution. Who is it addressed to? The contribution is granted to Renewable Energy Communities (CER), governed by legislative decree no. 199 of 2021, formally established in the territory of the provinces of Como and […]

Fai Credito Notice 2024 – CCIAA Pavia

What is the Pavia Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture - within the strategic objective of "Supporting the competitiveness of the entrepreneurial system" identified in the 2024 Program Forecast Report, approved by the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce with resolution no. 73 of 17.11.2023 - intends to improve the conditions of access to credit for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises [...]

Non-repayable contributions for economic, commercial and artisanal activities - Annual 2022 - Municipality of Castel di Casio

What is it? The tender, in implementation of the "Fund to support the economic activities of the municipalities of the internal areas", is aimed at supporting the economic system of the Municipality of Castel di Casio. Who is it addressed to? The beneficiaries of this Notice are small and micro businesses that carry out economic activities in the commercial and artisanal sectors through […]

Contribution for cultural events – Municipality of Collegno

What is Concessions for cultural events in the city area. Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at citizens, individuals and associations, for the carrying out of activities of public interest. What does it involve Contribution for cultural events.

Announcement for the provision of extraordinary non-repayable contributions for micro and small businesses to combat commercial desertification - Municipality of Taceno

What is it? Call for applications using the resources of the Fund to support artisanal and commercial economic activities in internal areas. Who is it aimed at? Micro or small businesses in the trade, catering/public sector, tertiary and craft sectors, with operational headquarters within the Municipality of Taceno, can be beneficiaries of the contribution. What does the financial allocation provide […]

Access to Ferrobonus applications for the year 2024-2025

What is Incentives for intermodal rail freight transport. Who is it aimed at? Companies that commission trains and multimodal operators that purchase complete trains can apply. In the latter case, multimodal operators must pass on 50% of the contribution to their customers. What does it involve Granting of a contribution up to a maximum of € […]

Notice for non-repayable contributions for the start-up costs of commercial and artisanal activities operating in the Municipality of Montella - second year

What is it Notice for the granting of non-repayable contributions for the start-up costs of commercial and artisanal activities operating in the Municipality of Montella. Second year Who is it addressed to? The beneficiaries of this Notice are individual entrepreneurs, including artisans, and companies, including cooperatives: - potential entrepreneurs intending to undertake a new business [...]

Call for double digital and ecological transition vouchers - Year 2024 - Bari Chamber of Commerce

What is it Concessions to support digitalisation initiatives, also aimed at green oriented approaches, and paths aimed at promoting the ecological transition of the production fabric. Who is it addressed to? Micro, small or medium-sized enterprises in the area under the jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce of Bari are eligible for the benefits referred to in this Notice. What does the contribution to the fund […]