Notice “Integrated Relief Packages” (MiniPIA) – PR Puglia FESR 2021-2027

What is it? The Notice establishes criteria and methods for granting incentives to micro and small businesses for productive investments in enabling technologies and innovation related to the issues of digitalisation and/or eco-sustainability (in line with the Smart Specialization Strategy ) which must be integrated with technological, strategic, organizational and management innovation projects of […]

PNC NOTICE – Intervention proposals for the implementation of industrial research and experimental development activities within the scope of the Initiative called “Digital Driven Diagnostics, prognostics and therapeutics for sustainable Health care” – D3 4HEALTH

What is it Public notice for the presentation of intervention proposals for the implementation of industrial research and experimental development activities within the scope of the initiative called “Digital Driven Diagnostics, prognostics and therapeutics for sustainable Health care”, D3 4 Health. Who is it aimed at? Public or private legal entities external to the D3 4Health partnership can participate in the procedure, […]

Non-repayable contributions for the start-up of new economic activities in the Municipality of Casteldelci - Marginal Municipalities Support Fund - Third year

What is it? The support fund for marginal municipalities is aimed at promoting social cohesion and economic development in municipalities particularly affected by the phenomenon of depopulation and for which there are significant lacks of attractiveness due to the reduced offer of material and immaterial services to people. and economic activities, in compliance with [...]

Contributions to the municipalities of the internal areas – Casteldelci (RN)

What is it? The contribution of the municipality of Casteldelci has the aim of representing direct aid to the activities, to protect the offer of goods and services and the employment level of the activities operating in the area. The resources are made available from the support fund for economic, artisanal and commercial activities for each of the years [...]

Incentives to businesses for the establishment of hotel accommodation facilities - Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia

What is it Contributions for the construction of new hotel accommodation facilities or the conversion of properties to be used as hotel accommodation facilities, resulting from interventions having urban and construction relevance and including all works carried out on undeveloped land or on existing building stock (see article 4 paragraph 1 letters a), b) and c) and paragraph 2 […]

Loans to businesses in the areas of the Colli Berici trade district (Municipalities of Barbarano Mossano – Castegnero – Nanto – Villaga) – CUP: H48C22000840004

What is this Call for financing relating to interventions for the reconstruction of the entrepreneurial fabric of territories and urban polarities, to encourage the restart and relaunch of economic activities through the adoption of new structural and organizational models, to promote innovation, energy saving, the implementation and use of energy from renewable sources, digitalisation and […]

Public notice for the implementation of projects aimed at promoting health prevention through sport, redevelopment and infrastructural and technological improvement of sports facilities

Public notice for the realization of projects aimed at promoting health prevention through sport, redevelopment and infrastructure and technological improvement of sports facilities what the Campania Region is, through this intervention, intends to carry out projects in support of elderly people and Disabled people, aimed at promoting personal autonomy, socialization, [...]