Notice for the granting of contributions to attract tourist flows in the province of Caserta - Year 2024

What is it? The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Caserta, having recognized the need to capture new tourist flows towards the provincial territory, provides contributions as a contribution to expenses for stays made at accommodation facilities, conducted in the form of a business (Hotels, Agritourism, Tourist Villages, Residences) in the province of Caserta. Who is it aimed at They can […]

Contributions to promote local production and internationalization - Trade fair initiatives scheduled in Italy and abroad from 1 May 2024 to 31 August 2024

What is it? The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Caserta, in order to encourage the internationalization processes of local businesses, has decided to provide contributions aimed at partially covering the expenses incurred for participation in fairs in Italy and at 'Abroad held in the period from 1 May 2024 to 31 August 2024. […]

Piedmont Doc Film Fund – 2024

What is it? The Piemonte Doc Film Fund, the first experience in Italy of supporting documentaries through a specific fund, is part of a complex action to promote and support cinematographic and audiovisual production initiatives launched in 1996 by the Piedmont Region, d agreement with the City of Turin and continued starting from 2000 with […]

Contributions for hiking refuges 2024 - Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia

What is it Extraordinary contributions to municipalities that own hiking refuges aimed at purchasing movable assets functional to guest reception services. Who is it addressed to Municipalities that own hiking refuges as defined by article 33 of regional law 9 December 2016, n. 21, or which structures are suitable for offering hospitality and refreshment in isolated locations [...]

First semester 2024 – Notice for the provision of contributions to companies for participation in fairs and exhibitions in Italy and abroad – Chamber of Commerce of Nuoro

What is it? In the framework of its institutional initiatives aimed at promoting the development of businesses, through the publication of this Notice, the Chamber of Commerce of Nuoro intends to proceed with the granting of contributions to businesses operating in the relevant territorial district for participation in fairs and exhibitions in Italy and abroad starting and ending in the period […]

Short Film Fund – 2024

What is Film Commission Torino Piemonte, in its activity of supporting cinematographic and television productions working in the Piedmont area, has always recognized the short film as an art form with its own specific identity and at the same time an important experience for the world of young authors and independent productions, who find in the "short" a first access [...]

Generative AI digital services – Chamber of Commerce Milan Monza Brianza Lodi

What is it Digital services for businesses to increase their competitiveness through generative artificial intelligence. Who is it aimed at Companies with registered/operational headquarters registered with the Milan Monza Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce. What does it involve Non-repayable contribution in ESL for generative AI digital services. 

Annual 2022 - Municipality of Santa Vittoria in Matenano - Granting of contributions from the internal areas fund to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities

What is the Notice for the granting of contributions for management expenses incurred by economic, commercial and artisanal activities operating in the municipal area - 2022 year. Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at small and micro businesses based and operating in the territory of Municipality of Santa Vittoria in Matenano. What does the granting of […]

Incoming plumbing and heating USA-Canada – CCIAA Monte Rosa Laghi Alto Piemonte

What is it? The Monte Rosa Laghi Alto Piemonte Chamber of Commerce, with the operational support of the Fedora Special Company, Ceipiemonte Scpa and in collaboration with Academy ETS, organizes a B2B event with buyers from the United States and Canada to promote the excellence of Upper Piedmont in the plumbing and heating sector. Who is it aimed at? The initiative is reserved for businesses […]

Call for Digital Vouchers – Province of Bologna – 2024 Edition

What is the Digital Voucher Notice - Province of Bologna - 2024 Edition. Who is it aimed at: Micro, Small or Medium-sized enterprises that have their registered office in the territorial district of the Bologna Chamber of Commerce and make investments in favor of the registered office and/or local units located in the metropolitan area of ​​Bologna. What does it provide The benefits will be […]