Year 2024 – Municipality of Chiusi – Contributions to commercial activities, public service activities, craft activities and tourist and/or cultural service activities

What is the Municipality of the city of Chiusi, with this notice, participates the method of disbursement of the contributions as a lost fund provided for by the "Regulation for the granting of contributions to commercial, crafts and services activities", adopted with the City Council resolution no. 18, of 16/04/2004, and subsequent amendments and additions, and by the resolution of the […]

Second Call – PR FESR Liguria – Support for investments in innovation for intermodality and for companies operating in integrated logistics areas

What is the announcement intends to support micro, small and medium -sized enterprises which, within operating units located in the regional territory, carry out innovation, automation, digitization of the logistical process and related activities, for a development of the intermodality and competitiveness of the sector. To those who turn the announcement addresses to the Mpmi exercising [...]

Innovation ecosystems – THE “Tuscany Health Ecosystem” – University of Florence

What is selection of project proposals for research activities carried out by companies as part of the research program of the innovation ecosystem "The - Tuscany Health Ecosystem", to be worth on the resources of the National Plan for the recovery and resilience (PNRR), Mission 4 "Education and Research" - Component 2 "From research to the company" - Investment 1.5 - Creation and strengthening [...]

Veneto Region – Construction, sustainable efficiency improvement, recovery and expansion of district heating/cooling networks

What is through this action, the Veneto Region intends to support new district heating/tele -supply networks and/or modernization and expansion of existing systems, made in the territorial areas of the internal areas envisaged by the membership of the Veneto region to the national strategy for the internal areas to those who turn the beneficiaries of the contribution are the micro, small, medium [...]

Cascade call – Spoke 5 – “Gene Therapy and Drugs with RNA Technology” Foundation

What is a cascade announcement organized by the University of Siena - Spoke 5 "Inflammmory and infectious Diseases" in compliance with the provisions of art. 5 of the public notice n. 3138 of 16/12/2021, as part of the PNRR loan - Mission 4, component 2 "From research to the company", investment1.4 "Upgrade research structures and creation of" national champions "of R&D", relatively [...]