Digital Export Call 2024-2025 – Emilia-Romagna Chamber of Commerce
What is the Chambers of Commerce of Emilia-Romagna and the Emilia-Romagna Region, through the contributions paid to the Digital Export 2024-2025 call, intend to strengthen the ability of regional companies to operate on international markets, assisting them in identifying new business opportunities in the markets already served and in the search for new outlet markets, contributing to [...]
Granting of contributions in favor of room and apartment rentals - Autonomous Province of Bolzano
What is concession of contributions in favor of subjects who rent guest rooms and apartments for holidays. To those who contact this facility are aimed at individual companies or companies, which rent rooms and apartments for holidays and make business investments such as renovation, modernization or purchase of new furnishings in their exercise. They can be facilitated […]
Call for Renew Vehicles 2024-2025 – Unioncamere Lombardia
What is the announcement is aimed at supporting the micro, small and medium -sized enterprises with operational headquarters in Lombardy in a path of innovation with the aim of encouraging the radiation of a polluting vehicle, petrol up to Euro 2/II included or diesel up to Euro 5/V included, with consequent purchase, also in the form of leasing [...]
Incentive for incoming tourism through air, rail, road and sea transport, in support of deseasonalization - Calabria Region - Annual 2023
What is the incentive of tourism incoming (incoming) through air, railway transport, by rubber and by sea, in support of the decreased - LR 3/2018. To those who turn tour operators and travel agencies. What provides for contributions in favor of tour operators relating to travel programs to Calabria for [...]
Contributions for the start-up of commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities through an operational unit or for the start-up of new economic activities in the Municipality of Rutino – II Annuality
What is incentive, to be worth on the DPCM 30 September 2021 "Support Fund for marginal municipalities for the years 2021-2023", for the opening of new activities in territories subject to depopulation, in relation to the Municipality of Rutino. To those who turn the announcement is aimed at the SMEs of the Municipality of Rutino. What the facility provides for the concession of […]
Innovative ideas in the life sciences sector – Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region – 2024
What is the purpose of the project is to select and reward innovative ideas developed by small and medium-sized enterprises, innovative start-ups, spin-offs that can become research, development and innovation projects to be carried out on the regional territory in a joint way with small medium and large companies, innovative start-ups, spin-offs, universities, research bodies, healthcare facilities and [...]
Pilot call for the selection of projects to be included in crowdfunding campaigns in favor of businesses PR FESR Marche 2021/2027 Intervention
What is the incentive consists of a prize to be granted to the selected recipients who, in the face of a business project to be supported through funds to be collected through the crowdfunding tool, will have achieved this collection objective. To those who turn the announcement is aimed at micro, small, medium -sized enterprises of the Marche, not in difficulty [...]
PNRR M4C2 – Cascade Call SPOKE5 “MADE4IS Micro-Accelerator and Detectors for Innovation and Sustainability” SAMOTHRACE Project
What is Spoke 5 cascade call-"Made4is micro-accelerator and detectors for innovation and sustainability" to be worth on the PNRR M4C2, 1.5 creation and strengthening "innovation ecosystems", construction of "territorial leaders of R&D"-Samothrace project. To whom the subjects admitted to participate in the announcement in the quality of proposing are the private subjects, [...]
Cascading call HPC Project – National Center for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing – University of Bari Aldo Moro
What is notice of cascade ban as part of the "HPC - National Center for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing" project, CN00000013 Code, Cup H93C2200450007, Spoke 5 "Environment & Natural Disasters", aimed at financing n. 8 industrial research projects and experimental development conducted by companies. To those who turn companies. What does it plan to finance n. [...]
Cascade call – Spoke 2 – Fundamental Research & Space Economy – National Institute of Nuclear Physics
What is the National Center ICSC - "National Center for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing" - CN000013 Code - Cascata Call - Spoke 2 - "Fundamental Research & Space Economy" - Infn provides for the involvement of Italian public and private actors to build a synergy between the scientific communities and the industrial world, to [...]
Contributions for participation in the “Jewellery Arabia” fair (Bahrain, 26 – 30 November 2024) – Marche Region 2024
What is supporting Marche companies in the goldsmith and jewelery sector in order to participate in foreign fairs: it includes a pre -intented stand and assistance during the event. To those who turn the invitation is addressed to production companies with registered and productive headquarters in the Marche region regularly registered at the CCIAA, the Consortia and the Networks of [...]
Contributions for participation in the “Watch & Jewelery” fair (Sharjah, 25 – 29 September 2024) – Marche Region 2024
What is supporting Marche companies in the goldsmith and jewelery sector in order to participate in foreign fairs: it includes a pre -intented stand and assistance during the event. To those who turn the invitation is addressed to production companies with registered and productive headquarters in the Marche region regularly registered at the CCIAA, the Consortia and the Networks of [...]