Interreg VI A Italy–Croatia cross-border cooperation program 2021-2027: “Standard” and “Limited financial amount” project proposals
What is a call for the presentation of "standard" and "limited financial amount" project proposals as part of the Interreg Italia-Croatia program. The incentive is financed with the European and national funds assigned to the Interreg Cooperation Program in Italy-Croatia 2021-2027. To those who turn public institutions at national, regional and local level, subjects [...]
Exceptional temporary aid for the high cost of energy to companies processing and marketing agricultural products, particularly affected by the crisis of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict - Line B)
What is temporary help due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. To those who turn to the transformation and marketing companies of agricultural products. What predicts temporary help for dear energy to transformation and marketing companies of agricultural products.
Call for Borghi 2024 – Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of the Marche region
What is the objective of this facility is to encourage the economic activity and the development of entrepreneurship as well as the repopulation of the internal areas through the start of enterprise or local unity in the villages of the Marche hinterland identified by the announcement. To those who turn are addressed to the micro, small and medium -sized enterprises (Mpmi) of the Marche located in the territory of the Marche region [...]
Aid for corporate investments in environmental matters - Autonomous Province of Trento
What is concessions for investment initiatives relating to:- woody biomass plants for production processes (sub-meter C1);- district heating systems (sub-meter C2);- high-performance cogeneration systems for productive processes (submissive C3);- Deep redevelopment wrapping- non-receptive sector plants (subsissial C4); Climb- Received sector plants (sub-meter C5);- plants of […]
2021 – Municipality of Dongo – Contributions to support trade and crafts
What is with this announcement The Municipality of Dongo intends to support the economic and artisan economic activities, micro and small businesses registered in the Business Register of the Chamber of Commerce for the year 2021. To those who are benefiting from the contribution, the companies that carry out activities of the trade and craft sectors as below specified:- activities of [...]
Call for digital vouchers 2024 – Unioncamere Lombardia
What is the Chambers of Commerce of Lombardy, in agreement with the Lombardy Region, in respect and in continuity of the PID project "Double digital and ecological transition" for the three-year period 2023-2025, with this announcement they mean: • Promote the adoption of innovative solutions, products and/or services focused on new digital skills and technologies in implementation of the strategy defined in the plan [...]
Notice for Program Contracts (CdP) – PR Puglia FESR 2021/2027
What is the public notice "Program contracts", aimed at large companies in collaboration with SMEs and Startups with an initial endowment of 45 million euros. To those who turn the program contracts facilitate large companies provided that there is an effective collaboration with companies of smaller size such as SMEs and [...]
GAL Marmilla – PSR Sardinia 2014-2022 – Enhancement of micro-enterprises operating in the field of integrated manufacturing production
What is the intervention "enhancement of micro -enterprises operating in the context of integrated manufacturing productions" - intends to exploit the opportunity constituted by the presence in the territory of specialized human resources and experts in manual practices, in order to encourage the development of an innovative crafts, in particular in the manufacturing sector, which combines ancient knowledge with innovation in terms of design, [...]
Innovation ecosystems for sustainability - Cascade call Sapienza Spoke 1 and Spoke 6
What is Sapienza University of Rome (hereinafter also only "wisdom") as leader of Spoke 1 and 6, with this public notice intends to implement the "Cascata calls" (financial support to third parties - FSTP or Cascade Funding) provided for by the "Rome Rome Technopole" innovation ecosystem funded by the Mur, financing projects [...]
Funding for activities consistent with the theme "Molecular and immunological mechanisms of persistence of emerging and re-emerging viral infections"
What is a announcement for public evidence issued for the granting of appropriate funding for research activities in line with the theme "Molecular and immunological mechanisms of persistence of emerging and re-emerging viral infections" and with the objectives of the research and innovation program entitled "One Health Basic and Translational Research Actions Addressing Unmet Needs [...]
Public notice – PIA Integrated Facilitation Programs – PR Puglia FESR 2021-2027
What is the public notice "PIA - integrated facilitation programs", a tool for the granting of concessions to medium and small businesses for industrial research, experimental development, technological and industrial innovation, digitalization and energy and environmental transition, in addition to the development and qualification of skills in order to consolidate and strengthen the competitiveness of the system [...]
Notice 2024 - Municipality of Terre del Reno - Non-repayable contribution to support retail sales activities
What is acknowledgment aimed at supporting the activities open to the public of the Terre del Reno Territory that carry out retail sale of products, in compliance with what is indicated in the municipal regulation for the attribution of contributions to businesses. To those who turn the notice is aimed at the subjects operating business activities which, on the date of presentation of the [...]